Is it just me or are your pets behaving badly lately?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2005
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Seattle, Washington
Is it the weather, the moon? I have no idea whatis going on, but all my animals are being HUGE brats! The dogs arepeeing and pooing everywhere. My 12 year old Pom is biting all theother dogs (she has onlya couple teeth). The rabbits aregrunting and biting andchewing things they dont normally chew.

Ivory threw a huge fit last night and broke one of her teeth. Sheripped the hayrack off the cage and threw it around, dumped all herlitter out of the box, turned her food bowl over.

They are driving me insane!

Well, I know for the rabbits in my rabbitry....its springtime and that means.....yeah...breeding...but

Yeah my TinkleBunny has been in a mounting moodlately. :agreeShe runs around and around my legs, trys to hump my bunnyslippers, starts singing and letting loose with the "love stink."

Um...oh yah....a zillion holes in the yard, 3muddy dogs, carpet is filthy, litter boxes keep getting tipped, findingguinea poos in strange spots, a rabbit dish keeps flying across acage...yeppers...they ALL have spring fever. Add in mom istoo sick to do much for them and you've got a disaster.
I have just repaired the hay rack and put a tonof litter back into the litter box. I hopeIvory settles downfor the night.
My puppy just realized that she can jump ontothe couch - but she's a puppy so her behavior shouldn't be taken intoconsieration.:D
Is it just me or are your pets behaving badly lately?
"Lately"???? :laugh:

If mine weren't acting weird, I'd know that something was wrong. Camehome from work tonight to find my dog waddling about the house.Yep...waddling. She's normally not really overweight (tho she couldstand to lose a pound or three), but tonight she looked like anoverinflated balloon about ready to explode. Why? I discovered thereason about an hour later. The dog food bag - which is being stored inthe bathroom closet - was torn open and an enormous amount of it wasAWOL. Seems my dog managed to get the bathroom door open and helpedherself to an early dinner (and breakfast, lunch, and dinner fortomorrow as well, all combined). Oh, and the reason the bag was storedin the bathroom? Because she has managed to seek out and destroy thedarned thing every time it's put in another not-so-foolproof part ofthe house, supposedly out of her reach....:?

And that was after this morning's incident, where she went outdoors togo to the bathroom before I went to work. She was out there a good20-30 minutes...after I called her in, she trotted into the kitchen,right past me, where she promptly vomited on the floor at my feet. Nowwhy couldn't she have done that outside???

I've also been babysitting my sister's dog and her parrot all week.They finally went home this evening...but not until the dog had runaway twice (she's a sheltie mix, and they like to 'see the world') andthe parrot had terrorized anything and everything that was bigger thanhim...all 7 inches of him. I discovered him two days ago sitting on topof poor Raph's head; when I went to remove him he promptly slid downRaph's ear and waddled away. (Good thing he waddles fast, cuz Raph wasnot amused.)

The parrot was also playing games with Anna, hanging on the outside ofher cage and peering in at her, making weird little sounds and thenrunning away as soon as Anna would come out to see him. I swear my catsnever set foot on the floor all week cuz of that little feathered freak- they lived on the countertops and cupboards just to avoid him. Andsomeone also ate my English muffins I was so looking forward to havingtonight...made with whole grains, nuts, and cranberries...all that wasleft of them was a shredded plastic bag, totally gutted of its oncemouthwatering contents. I dunno who did it :dunno, but the dog wasnudging me and pointing at the fish. Yeah, right Kaya...sure...:disgust:
Our cat is always a pain. If we forgetand leave the toilet paper out it is shredded all over the living roomfor us when we get home:shock:.

Snuffles pees on the rug or the carpet everytime he's let out:shock:.

Angel is an Angel, she's always my good girl.
I'm with you Bassetluv, if mine weren't actingstrange something would be wrong!! He he it really sounds like they'replaying games with you.

I have a cat that wakes me up everynight around 3am to feed her and shecomes in to my room and gets on the piano which is right next to wherethe dog sleeps on the floor and starts throwing things at the dog! Mylotion, my cellphone, the alarm clock..the dog gets startled and jumpsup barking. My hubby thinks his cat is so ingenious for using the dogto get me up! :sleep:The others usually just kneed on my heador something.
I have a cat that wakes me up everynightaround 3am to feed her and she comes in to my room and gets on thepiano which is right next to where the dog sleeps on the floor andstarts throwing things at the dog! My lotion, my cellphone, the alarmclock..the dog gets startled and jumps up barking. My hubby thinks hiscat is so ingenious for using the dog to get me up!
LOL...I love that! Whoever said that animals aren't smart must neverhave owned one. You definitely have a thinker on your hands...plans hermoves and gets the results she wants.

One of my cats is similar, in that he sleeps in my bedroom. However, ifhe gets up in the night and decides he wants out of the room, he getson the dresser and starts knocking things down. If that fails to get myattention (sometimes I try to ignore him in the hopes he'll change hismind), he finds anything that will make noise and stomp on it.Sometimes I'll have plastic bags in a laundry basket...he will walk upand down on the plastic and keeps it up until I finally give in.

I also discovered a while back that my dog and the cats sometimes workin tandem. The cats will get up on the cupboard searching for food, andif they find something worth stealing, will knock it down onto thefloor, where the dog manages to tear open the package and then allthree chow down. However, if the cats find something that can be hadwithout the dog's help (e.g., a dinner plate with leftovers on it, if Ihaven't yet done the dishes), then they stay on the counter and helpthemselves. This of course, ticks the dog off to no end, and shedecides that if she can't have some, then neither can they. She willcome barrelling into whatever room I'm in, barking her fool head off,saying, "ROWROWROWROWROWROW!!!MOM!!!THE CATS...THEY'RE BEINGBAAD!!! COME SEE!!! COME SEE!!! GIVE 'EM HELL MOM!!! BEAT 'EMUP!! SHOW 'EM WHO'S BOSS!!!!". And of course I get up, shout at thecats (whereupon Kaya has to back me up with her own ear-shatteringcat-scolding), and then I put the food out of everyone's reach. Thisresults in Kaya suddenly shutting up, a look on her face that says,'oh. Well...crap. That plan backfired.' And she slinks away - nodoubt to consort with the cats and come up with more ideas on how tosuccessfully raid the kitchen when I'm not looking...
Becknutt wrote:
:sleep:The others usually just kneed on my head or something.

Ok, now I KNOW I'm tired. I read this wrong beck and thoughtit said "the others usually just peed on my head orsomething." I'm dying of laughter here and no one else seeswhat is so funny. I need sleep and a few less drugsin my system. (To explain that one i havebronchitis and borderline pnuemonia)


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