Is it a bad thing if I want it to snow again?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2008
Reaction score
Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA
I just looked out my window after this lovely, warm weekend and realized that I would like it to snow some more. Sure, we had some really crappy storms this Winter, but I would really like it to snow again. I just hate how everything looks when it starts to melt and all the yucky brown ground/grass starts to show through. It's ugly, and I want more pretty snow!:cry2
I hate the ridiculously cold weather, but I hate waiting for the trees to bloom in Spring. I just want a little dusting of snow to make everything pretty again. All I have outside is mud right now. Being that I am in Wisconsin, I know that this isn't the end, so no getting used to the nice weather. :p
I know how you mean- either proper cold and snowy so everything looks pretty or actual nice weather. The snow has been melting here this weekend and it's looked horrible and slushy and brown. The whole of Bristol looks like it could do with a good jetwash. Saying that, I spoke too soon and it's snowing bucketloads right now! :shock:
I agree totally, kh. I'm not ready for winter to be over yet! I want another big storm to go skiing again!!
tonyshuman wrote:
I agree totally, kh. I'm not ready for winter to be over yet! I want another big storm to go skiing again!!
We would be quite silly to think that Winter in Wisconsin is over with in February. We know it's coming, so the sooner, the better! Let's just get it over with! Darn weather! Just making us hope for the warmer weather, only to dump a foot and a half of snow on us in May! I can see it happening. Global warming, my butt. :rollseyes
It was absolutely GORGEOUS here in Florida today! Shorts and t-shirt weather! The kids had a blast on the playground today. :) It's forecast to be up to 76 degrees tomorrow an 78 degrees the day after that. :) Happy Winter!
Elf Mommy wrote:
It was absolutely GORGEOUS here in Florida today! Shorts and t-shirt weather! The kids had a blast on the playground today. :) It's forecast to be up to 76 degrees tomorrow an 78 degrees the day after that. :) Happy Winter!
All I have to say is :grumpy:...
kherrmann3 wrote:
I just looked out my window after this lovely, warm weekend and realized that I would like it to snow some more. Sure, we had some really crappy storms this Winter, but I would really like it to snow again. I just hate how everything looks when it starts to melt and all the yucky brown ground/grass starts to show through. It's ugly, and I want more pretty snow!:cry2

OMG I was saying that exact thing! And look! It's snowing now! (and the highway is terrible!) Yay for pretty whiteness! :D
Oh, shh! It's only like an inch of slushy, spin-your-car-around-in-an-empty-parking-lot Winter goodness! :biggrin2:

This morning when I went outside to go defrost my car, I saw some cute little cottontail tracks hopping through the parking lot. They came up the middle of the lot, through the handicapped parking space, and over the fire lane. Hooray, cottontails!

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