Iceberg lettuce is NOT poisonous torabbits. It has no nutritional value and is toowatery. I would never mine that. I give themromaine or some spinach instead...again in small amounts.
I still wouldn't give Benji iceberg lettuce, it can cause diareah whichcan if severe enough can actually kill a rabbit. My first bunny passedaway with chronic diareah, it's horrible to see such a small lovablecritter in that state.
It's up to you what you wish to do but I strongly urge you to steer clear and maybe try some other "greens" instead.
OK first of all thisisntIceBurg lettuce , this iswhat commonly refered to as Leaf lettuce, right along with Romaine andRedsails Lettuce it isnt going to hurt himin moderation .
Iceburg lettuce is a definate headlettuce like a cabbage hard , firm andcrunchy. which what I am seeing is noneofthe above.
Moderation is key to everything.
Personally I would be more concerned with theplants behind teh lettuce pots than hte lettuce itself.Especially that Split leaf patho's
Ahh, thank you. We worriedabout him having even the tiniest bit ! As it is,it's quite high and he can't quite get to it all, so has to take thetiddiest scraps anyways .. :sunshine: