Is he just mad at me, or might something be wrong?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2008
Reaction score
New York, USA
Kirby has been kinda mad and frustrated since Saturday night.He pawed at my hand a few times, something he never did before. He wouldn't let me pick him up today (usually we have little problem doing this). He struggled through grooming. He thumps around the floor of his cage. He chews on the metal bars of his hay rack (he's never done that either).

He has been pooping all over the place in the last few weeks. He would poop like 50 poops on the floor next to his newly-cleaned litter box (he does better in the box as time goes on and the box gets dirtied with more poo).

He is eating and drinking normally. Poop looks totally fine. What could be wrong? Or is he just mad about something?

Kirby is 3 years old. Satin mix. Neutered. Generally the sweetest, quietest, shyest rabbit you ever met...
Has anything changed in his environment?

Have you felt him carefully for lumps or bumps?

Any change at all in his eating or peeing habits?

I'd guess that something is bothering him. Chewing on his dewlap was another possible sign.

I'd really try and pinpoint any sensitive areas and figure out a timeline when he began any unusual behaviour(s). Anything you can come up with will help with any diagnostics.

You don't want to have to x-ray him from head to toe and run blood and urine tests only to find out he has a bent toenail or hates the new ceiling fan.

sas :clover:
Thanks for the thoughtful questions, sas. I think I may have two very good possibilities of what he's bothered by. So you think I should take him in for a urine and a blood test? How do I get a rabbit to take a urine test? :?

Has anything changed in his environment? yep, I discovered there is a major plumbing/heating problem with one of the apartments either above or below mine. At random times during the day VERY LOUD, very scary, almost vibrating drilling noises come out of our bathroom. With all the doors closed, the rabbit toom still hears it loud and clear. When it happens it goes on for about 30 minutes before it stops. There's no warning of when it starts or stops. Happens night and day (we complained about this bigtime already). It MUST be disruptive, scary and painful for my buns...

Have you felt him carefully for lumps or bumps? I rub him all over the top of him every day, I felt him all over yesterday - nothing out of the ordinary but... I found one of his dewclaws was very jagged. It looked chipped or maybe he chewed it up. It didn't look right. I had a hard time trimming it down with the clipper, he kept trying to get away. I think it might've been painful.

Any change at all in his eating or peeing habits? Eating habits are good. He eats his veggie serving over a 12 hour period, twice a day. Lots of hay being consumed. He eats all his timothy pellets enthusiasm. He pees regularly too. He is just pooping all over the place lately.

kirbyultra wrote:
Thanks for the thoughtful questions, sas. I think I may have two very good possibilities of what he's bothered by. So you think I should take him in for a urine and a blood test? How do I get a rabbit to take a urine test? :?

Has anything changed in his environment? yep, I discovered there is a major plumbing/heating problem with one of the apartments either above or below mine. At random times during the day VERY LOUD, very scary, almost vibrating drilling noises come out of our bathroom. With all the doors closed, the rabbit toom still hears it loud and clear. When it happens it goes on for about 30 minutes before it stops. There's no warning of when it starts or stops. Happens night and day (we complained about this bigtime already). It MUST be disruptive, scary and painful for my buns...

Have you felt him carefully for lumps or bumps? I rub him all over the top of him every day, I felt him all over yesterday - nothing out of the ordinary but... I found one of his dewclaws was very jagged. It looked chipped or maybe he chewed it up. It didn't look right. I had a hard time trimming it down with the clipper, he kept trying to get away. I think it might've been painful.

Any change at all in his eating or peeing habits? Eating habits are good. He eats his veggie serving over a 12 hour period, twice a day. Lots of hay being consumed. He eats all his timothy pellets enthusiasm. He pees regularly too. He is just pooping all over the place lately.
yea,,never seen a rabbit pea in a cup..?? rrrrr,,,rrrr james waller:wave:
it could be the noise that is really freaking him out; that is really a shame :(...hope that they can fix whatever is broken fast...

I would move him as far away as you canfrom the loud vibrating noise ..if that is possible
All over the apt sounds about the same. The best defense agains the noise is a door and there are 2 between the buns and the bathroom pipes. *sigh*

Kirby seems a little better today. He doesn't seem mad, he's just skittish. He won't come by to let me smooch him, but he lays down for some petting. The noises seem to have stopped. I haven't heard them since I've been home anyway.

I hope that's all... Hope it's nothing else. :?
Kirby has been very skittish all night. Every time I sit down in his area, he runs back into his condo. He's so scared. He won't even come out to let me pet him. I have to reach my hand into the condo to pet him. :(

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