Harlequin is both a breed and a color as are Lilac, Sable, Californian, D'Argent, Chinchilla, Cinnamon, Himalayan, Silver, Tan, Silver Foxand Silver Marten.
I think that is a very good question. Made me go to the RO library to look Harlequins up. I was so hoping to find information about personality traits or something that would make me say that a Harlequin would be my next bunny. I found only weights for sex and age. Does any one havemore information about the breed?
I am still having trouble with this.
I thought certain breeds have very exact physical characteristics ex .a holland lop
but i don't understand for ex. why a harlequin is not described in exact physical characteristics like a holland lop
I'm talking about the width of the chest and head size and all the things that show people judge.???
I think what Pam is saying is that there is a breed called Harlequin, with its own set of specific characteristics to define it, but it is also a colour. Like other rabbit breeds can be marked like a dutch, but it is also a breed.. other rabbits can be marked like harlequins, but harlequin is also a breed.
Delusional, I think your information was helpful to me, as far as understanding the body-type and color patterns a bit better. I think we could benefit if the RO library could expand on the breeds that don't have a ton of information about them to include these types of judging standards. It would also be nice to have information about general personality traits. Are they hyper, laid-back, aggressive....? Will different colors produce a different personality-type?
According to your link, delusional, a blue magpie sounds extremely interesting to me...
My Heart, we are trying to go through and do all the breeds in the libraray to include as much info as possible, just we have not long started and Zin did one I have done a couple and so has Jenson but she is having computer trouble and can't get online very much just now so bear with us we are hoping to get all of them done
Meanwhile seeing as you have a couple of harlies would you want to have a think and pop down on here what you think of them health, personality wise etc anything you put will be considered and added into the breeds section and I promise I will try and do harlies next for you
There is a "type" standard for the Harlequin breed in the US, although far more consideration is given to the markings rather than the body type (which "should be" commercial).