Is anyone still watching LOST?

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I still watch it, but I don't have very high expectations for the last season. I feel like the writing so far seems a bit contrived, and I'm concerned that they'll leave far too many loose ends hanging when it comes to mysteries from earlier seasons. I just hope the OVERALL mystery of the island is revealed and satisfying to those of us who have been watching for years.
I still watch it. I get together with my best friend each week to watch together. Its fun because its nice to have someone to discuss things with after.

I really hope they answer all the questions and tie everything up at the end. If they don't they are going to have millions of pissed off lost fans coming after them, lol.
I watch it off and on, but I don't have time to follow it, so I am really lost and don't know what is going on. :p

My wife watches it every week from day one. She missed part of it last night as we were out for Supper.
Still watching and have been watching from the beginning. Despite this, I still don't know what is going on most of the time.
I do want to see more of Desmond this season.
I'm still watching... I went out last night though and forgot to set it to record, but I might see if I can find it on the net to watch.

I do find that some of the things that happen are ridiculous, but I feel like I've come this far so I mays well stay through to the end! I guess I like some of the characters and some of the things that happen are intruiging so I have got a bit sucked in, although I do think parts of it are stupid (eg polar bears).

I am interested in who people think should stay together out of Jack, Kate, Sawyer and Juliette.... from memory they seem to have swapped around during the seasons. who likes which pairing and why etc?
Apparently the answer to the island comes in the middle of the series .. it's a 4 letter word, with no E in it .. err, LOST?

I love the riddles, how you come to one conclusion then someone says, yes but ..

We have all series in boxed sets and re watch them once we get to the enf of series five .. yes, we are THAT SAD ...

As a major fan (but one who doesn't go on forums to discuss there where's and hows and the maybes), I don't particularly care if all things come together in the end .. to me LOST is all about the journey, not getting to the end ...
I am interested in who people think should stay together out of Jack, Kate, Sawyer and Juliette.... from memory they seem to have swapped around during the seasons. who likes which pairing and why etc?

I like the Sawyer/ Juliette pairing. They are so cute and I love Sawyer. I also like Kate a lot but she is kind of annoying at times. I really dislike Jack now(I love him in the 1st season). He is just so annoying now.

We have all series in boxed sets and re watch them once we get to the enf of series five .. yes, we are THAT SAD
I guess I'm sad too, lol. I rewatched all the seasons over the summer/fall. I wanted to make sure I remembered everything that happened so I'd be ready to watch the last season. Totally nerdy!
I'll probably re-watch the whole series when it's all out on DVD as well.

Honestly... I really hope that Jack dies in this last season. I know it sounds mean, but honestly, he is incapable of being happy. He was miserable before the Island, miserable on the Island, miserable OFF the Island... he even seems pretty friggen miserable in the alternate reality. The only possible positive outcome for him that I see is somehow sacrificing his life to help his remaining friends, because he just has an endless pile of guilt and failure that he's totally collapsing under the weight of & will likely never recover from as well.
Hurley's awesome, great character. It's also nice to see someone who isn't a picture-perfect supermodel on the show; so much of the cast is made up of these sexy, slender, young actors/actresses. Not that I'm complaining about getting too look at some HOT men and women for an hour!

BTW: My sister got to meet Naveen Andrews, the guy who plays Sayid, when she went to Hawaii. I'm jealous, he's one of my favorite characters!
I am soooo in love with LOST! I've been watching it since the second season after I caught up with the first. My ex bought me the 1st season DVDs (best present from him lol).
This is the only TV show I've ever followed with such dedication.
They better tie up all the loose ends and explain everything or I am going to be feeling very unfulfilled and unhappy!
I've been watching from the beginning and I did enjoy it very much then. But then they added WAY too many things and I keep thinking 'are they high or something when they write episodes, cause none of this connects'. I'm happy they're answering some things, but not a lot of it has been answered yet, and they're adding yet another character. So, we'll see if any of it makes sense, or if they just nuke the island and get it over with by the time the season ends.
Seriously, they're all either really thin, or really buff. It's nice to see on tv someone who isn't anorexic or really really buff/fit.
Saffy wrote:
My daughter was saying that they're going to reveal what the island is in the middle of the series .. apparently it's got four letters but has no E in it.

HUH? Not sure I understand. But then again, with Lost, being confused is nothing new.

The whole parallel thing has me so skeptical on how it'll play out.

I get so frustrated with the show because even though they promise to explain something they don't really 100% do it. But I keep watching because of the cliffhangers. Grr! :biggrin2:
Pinched from abother site:

So…What Is the Island? It's described as a four-letter word. There's your first clue! Shall we play Hangman? There are no A's or E's in the word

Another thing I can tell you: The island has to exist, according to my sources, and more importantly, someone has to protect it. It's important to the world outside. "

There's another thing I read .. I don't think it's a spoiler as it's not really telling anything ..

6 numbers lost 6 billions saved

Hurley has new lottery numbers: 10 28 44 56 77 80

Now what's all that about?
New lottery numbers??? Maybe for the parallel world.... It's so confusing.

I'm going to be so mad if by the end of the season we still have no idea what the story is!

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