Is anybody else's bunny still shedding?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2004
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, Georgia, USA
I've really been surprised at the tremendous amount of fur that Sherman's STILL shedding ... :(

Is anybody else's bunny still shedding? I would think thatthey'd still be growing and keeping their coat at this time of the yearrather than losing it.

(... And His Majesty has the audacity to not want me to brush him right now... :X)
You know, this shedding business often has me ina quandary,too! It seems like I've read that bunsshed once a year, twice a year, three times a year, or as a result ofsome stressful condition, such as a change of feed.

I've also read that some foods cause/encourage molt, like sunflowerseeds. I do know that some of our rabbits shed more thanothers and I detect at least two molts per year, I think,...fall andspring, but I wouldn't swear to that in a court of law.

I'm not much help to you on this topic, and I imagine our residentexpert, Mrs. Nock, will have to give us all the final and definitiveanswer, but I did want you to know that I am as unsure about it as youare.

To answer your original question though, everybun appears to haveceased shedding, because I got very little excess fur pulled when Ilast did their monthly manicure and beauty treatment.

In general, Ernestine, the new house bun, seems to shed much less thanMissy and Calbert did when they were housebuns. The lattertwo drove the Missus to tears on occasion as she tried to staunch theflight of "floating" bunny fur throughout the house.


WOW, just when I thought the rolling of the whitedust bunnies on the bottom of the cage was over~there she goes again(Jaden that is) she has a tendency to shed more (or perhaps it is thecoloring of it that makes it more visual) than Jezebel.

So, good question, here I sit too-awaiting a reply to this...

BunnyMommy does Sherman like a good pet? If he is being snarky aboutthe brush, I find if I dampen my hands and give Jaden a good "massage"it does wonders in removing some of the excess fluff...just have tostop from time to time to re-dampen the old grooming tools (ahem, myhands) and pluck a bit from her bunny bum area :p

Thanks, Buck and Cher both. This really is a mystery.

Cher, normally he doesn't mind being brushed, but he's in one of his"moods" today ... :X(oh, the trials of being a bunny mommy)... and won't let me brush him. Mind you, he's laying at myfeet right now FORCING me to pet him with my feet, but no brush isallowed today.

I bought some of those grooming gloves. I'm not sure if youknow the ones that I'm talking about, but supposedly when you brushthem with the gloves on it pulls out shed fur. I'm going touse that in a few minutes. He usually loves that Zoom Groombrush that Bo Bo Bunny recommended, but as I said he has one of hiswhat I call "stinky moods" on today.

Buck, I indeed know about the trials that are inherent in those"floaters". Once they get in your eyes it's a terriblething. There are hairs floating all over downstairs and nowmy sweaters and knit tops and robes are just FULL of bunnyhair! Even if I only hold him for a second or two I come awayjust covered with it.

Cher, I'm glad to know that the chunks of hair coming from the bunnybum are not just a phenomenon unique to Sherman. I'm pullingout big hunks of it and I was afraid that something waswrong. They really loosen when he backs his bottom up to theside of the cage to go to sleep. And get this ... it OFFENDShim when I pull them out!...
I have one bun.....Chloe.....that'sbeen shedding for months now. It seems likebrushing her makesher shed more?. I got her out yesterday....sat her on my lap....andspent about an hour grooming her. By the time I was done it looked likeIhad more fur than she did.:shock:UnfortunatelyI cant really helpyou. I'll be waiting along with you guys to answer to this one. :?

Pernod seems to be shedding 365 days a year :(,but she is particularly bad at the moment. you can tell where she hasbeen laying because she leaves a bunny outline of fur. Perry, on theother hand, seems to shed a lot at once, then stops for a few weeks,then sheds again. Doesn't matter how much I groom Pernod, there isstill more to comeoff.- Jan
I am haveing the same problem with my fuzzy lopit seems like a never ending battle. I vacume his cage out twice a dayand it still keeps coming. I have one of those glove brushes and hehates it. Everytime he see's me coming he runs, he hates that thing. Itis good to know that I am not the only one going through this, andbeing a fuzzy lop with long fur makes it even worse. I am justwondering if it is the weird weather we are haveing. One day it is -26c the next day plus 5.
We still occasionally get some in a molt -- especially the ones that I move into the cages closest to the heat lamps.

I know ours are holding out on a major molt for a few weeks until Isend in our pre-entries for a Holland Specialty show at the beginningof Feb. (Murphy's Law :()

Sebastian NEVERstops shedding! :XWe try to brush every day. He also gets inhis moods as does Sherman. I know that folks that show fuzzy lops woulddie at the way I brush him but I don't care. I DON'T WANT his coat tobe full and fuzzy. So I don't care if I'm removing too much orwhatever. Ijust try to get the tiny knots and the excess hairout. Bucks Missus would die at the hair in MY house!:shock:

When it gets really cold, my bunnies stopshedding. But as soon as the weather warms up, they shed almostnon-stop until the weather turns cold again. :?With up anddown outside weather it's inevitable though. I need to pick up my actand brush more, lol.
Sherman's fur looks so raggedy right now that mysister (who loves him dearly) says that he looks as if he just foughthis way through a hurricane ... :(.
Well, Bo had a huge jr. molt for about 6 weeks Ithink. He seemed to have completely changed hair.Now, I started noticing, he's shedding small amounts here andthere. I see those little tufts sticking out or a whole groupof hairs fly off as I pet him! I hope this settles down alittle!

I know someone told me their bunny always sheds..... I hope Bo doesn'tdo that. Mainly because I feel the need to try to get all theloose hairs off him and he gets annoyed LOL!
Buck Jones wrote:
It seems like I've read that buns shed once a year, twice a year, three times a year...

Reminds me of advice often given to new Dalmatian owners (some of themost notorious shed-hounds). They have two shedding seasons: May toSeptember, and October to April :p
pamnock wrote:
I know ours are holding out on a major molt for a few weeks until Isend in our pre-entries for a Holland Specialty show at the beginningof Feb. (Murphy's Law :()

Of course! and when they do, they will get huge clumps that fall out!like right in each side, and up their back a nice line...... etc.,etc.,......

I sure hope they don't do that, but I know how those things go.... :(
Woo. Emmy is shedding like c-r-a-z-y! She'sshedding truck-loads! ahaha. I'm just wondering when the molts aregoing to stop. I don't know WHY Emmy's shedding when it's cold out.>.<;; She needs the fur to stay warm! :shock:
Peppy is still shedding like crazy. I groomed himback in September and took off so much hair, but geeeez... he'sshedding like he's going bald...only, the hair keeps coming haha.

I thought maybe it was just him, but I see he's not. Its gross cuz itssticking to the sides of his cage and I have to wipe it down like twicea day...and you certainly can't pet him without getting gobs of hair onyou lol.

Chompers seems to shed a lot, but when he's goingthrough a molt, yikes. Abby and Valuran molted recently, and actuallyAbby's fur is going from black to a reddish/brown color!

It's neverending with us too, although I have noticed a change since we've been using the humidifyer.

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