Is anise OK for bunns to eat??

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Retired Moderator
May 25, 2006
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Guelph, Ontario, Canada
My hubby is Italian and eats anise(sort of likecelery--Eeeww!!:yuck) I personally hate it but our bunns beglike there is no tomorrow when he eats it!! It smells likeblack licorice.(also not a fav of mine):yuck I havelooked around and haven't found it on any of the safe veggie pages sofar... In Italian it is called- Finnochio. Doesanyone know??? And if you have given it is there anything weshould watch for? (ex. broccoli-gas, carrot tops-calcium...etc...)

im sure another name for anise is fennel,well that is what we call itover here anyway,i have heard other people do feed it to their buns andthey go crazy for it and they have had no problems by feeding it totheir bunnies,actually the bunnies just love the stuff,i personallyhave not tried my buns on it though,i just don't think aboutbuyingit when i buy their veggies:)

Thank you Cheryl!!:bunnydance:

Tony (hubby) has given them some before and I was mad as heck becausehe didn't check the list I have posted everywhere but hisforehead!:mad:

All three bunns andTonywere sitting on the couchside by side while he munched on his and shared with thebunns!! It was cute but I couldn't remember the other namefor itand was getting worried as to whether or not it wasOK!!! :D You should grab some and see if your bunnlikes it! Ours freak out! Even before he decided toshare they were begging like crazy!!!:D
Runestonez wrote:
All three bunns andTonywere sitting onthe couch side by side while he munched on his and shared with thebunns!! It was cute but I couldn't remember the other namefor itand was getting worried as to whether or not it wasOK!!! :D You should grab some and see if your bunnlikes it! Ours freak out! Even before he decided toshare they were begging like crazy!!!:D
hehe i can just picture your hubby sharing with the bunnies,how sweet:)

yeah i just got to remember to grab one when i buy the buns theirveggies,it's something that im not used to buying and i just don't seemto think about it when im actually in the veggie shop,i was just in theveggie shop yesterday lol

My MIL keeps trying to get me to eatit! I just can't stand the taste or smell, not a fan of blacklicorice!!:yuck Now I can have 4 bunns and a husband thatsmell like it! Blech!
Hi, I was going to buy a fennel today, but after looking at it i was wondering what part do you feed the Bunnies?



We give them the green tops and a little bit ofthe stalk...we just cut it up the same as celery and put it in theirgreens dish. I wishfennel came with more leafyparts then they do!! But the bunns will eat any part of it!