Irish bunnies (Cork)

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
Cork, Ireland
Hi there, I don't know if there is any point posting this but I am looking for a good home for a beautiful female 12 week old black and white rabbit and eventually in a few weeks a home for six little half lionhead buns who are only about four weeks or so now.
My longish story how I came about all those rabbits is posted in the rabbitery. Some pet shops I contacted vaguely expressed an interest but no vacancies right now and frankly I am not 100 per cent happy with that option but can't keep ten bunnies altogether. I have no rabbit contacts in Ireland and I am not sure how to go about the adoption except hanging up notices and grilling the future owners on their suitability:X Probably not very realistic. So if any of you have any contacts in the South of Ireland let me know as I am knee deep in bunnies... sabine
I will tell you what I usually tell people having the same problem as you are. Advertise in places like your local newpaper, etc, and ask a certain amount of money for each bunny. I don't know what prices are like there, but however much is enough so that they would be too expensive to use for bad things like snake food.

Then have a list of questions to ask potential owners, like who is your vet, do you plan to spay/neuter, have you had a rabbit before, etc. It's not risk free, but no re-homeing ever is. I have to repeat, please, please don't let a petstore take them. Bunnies in a petstore are a disposable commodity, and you would have no control over who gets them or what they are getting them for. :(
I know you are so right and I have notices ready to put up locally. Ideally I'd love to be able to scrutinize every potential owner but the reality of things is that I have ten rabbits now. Magic and Miracle are on the verge of sexual maturity and can't be kept together safely for much longer. Yet I have no place to put them separately with the six new babies and all. The house we're in isn't ours and there might be a slight risk that we might have to move before Christmas and did I mention I have five kids, the youngest a three months old baby who is getting rather little attention at the moment. Of course I will do my best to find good homes but there doesn't seem to be a great rabbit support network here in Ireland. I have mainly contacted pet shops that only sell their rabbits with a cage or hutch but even the pet shops aren't imterested. So I am really in a bit of a state and having already invested an extra couple of hundred pounds for hutches food, bedding etc... my finances won't stretch that far. I just hope that maybe somebody Irish on this Forum might read this and give me some numbers to ring.
P.S. The pet shop that caused the situation offered no support. I wrote them a stinker of a letter and will also ring the ISPCA to alert them to this situation.
Great thanks, I'll get in touch with them later. I appreciate any info or contacts I can get. Thanks Sabine

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