iPod touch

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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2007
Reaction score
Liverpool, , United Kingdom
wow these are so cool. I finaly managed to save up for one, and i never realised it had the REAL internet ( which is what im using now ) now i can log on to RO anywere! (were theres an internet connection:)
How far away does the internet work? Have you tried that yet? Like does it work outside?

Sorry for bugging you~

And how many songs can it hold?
i am a huge fan of apple. huuuuge.

i do not have the new ipod touch but it holds like 10,000 songs doesn't it?

i would refer you to www.apple.com and just click on ipod touch or whatever the link is called nowadays.

it'll give you everything you need to know :)

tracy and nemo
well, Ive tried it In the back garden and it works, seems in using the same connection as my computer I imagine it will have the same range. Seeing some of the reports on the Internet though I was unsure if I should get one or not, but I think there great! All the reviews I've seen seem to compare it with the iphone:?

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