Introducing the new Lop - disaster

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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2005
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Bedfordshire, , United Kingdom
I have successfully bought home the new lop! Ihave put the new rabbit in the cage she came in, in the middle of thegarden where my other rabbit is running round. Pepper, my originalrabbit has gone up 2 the cage a few times and sniffed at thenew rabbit. But they started fighting through the bars after a while.shall i leave them like this for a few more days, or just forget aboutthem ever living in the same hutch?
Are either of them spayed/neutered? You probablywant to get them both done before you try bonding. Also, sexes? A fewscuffles doesn't mean to won't come to like each other. As witheverything, it takes time.
These two fought like little banshees when theyfirst met. for nearly a month, they would try to hurt eachother between the cage bars and if they were out at the same time itturned into a major fight.
We just slowly introduced them. Put them in a neutralenvironment and paid VERY close attention to them and intervenedwhen they started (my hands got mauled multiple times). Wealso put there cages a foot from each other so they were forced to seeeach other, but couldn't reach each other. It took near amonth, but look, it all paid off.

*edit* hey I pulled an Angela, this is actually james accidently in her account.
Pepper, the original rabbit is a girl and is notneutred. The new lop is said to be a mum in the past, but both a yearold. Pepper keeps laying down next 2 the cage as if she wants to befriends. But you can never tell! lol. Do you think neutering will helpalot? I only have a cage for the new rabbit which has to be out in thegarden. My old rabbit and Pepper got on straight away so ididnt have this problem of having it a house to stay in. Buti have realised its not always that easy. lol It seems to be the newLop in the cage that is more agressive over Pepper. They keep havinglittle nose touches through the bars with no fighting, and thensuddenly the next time they stiff they fight. But they seem to begetting on better as the hour has gone by. Maybe the lop is jelous ofPepper for having a big run of the garden and her stuck in the cage lol.
Does tend to be a little more territorial thanbucks when they're not spayed. Getting them altered will help with thatissue. Also, you might try bringing them into the house forface-to-face introductions. It seems like your original rabbit thinksof the garden as her home so the new lop is an intruder. Best to startin a place neither rabbit has been.
My mother is very over protected over her house,everything must be perfect (god knows why she got a dog) so i will haveto introduce them together in the house while she has gone to work. LolShes out most of the day which is handy. But when my sistercomes in we will sit next to each other with them on our laps on thesofa and see how they get on there. I will tell you how weget on later on tonight. Thankyou!
It really helps with bonding if you introduce them and try to do bonding in a neutral territory.

Also, I suggest spaying them, it'll really help with the bonding process, plus it's better for their overall health anyway.
I have just had both the bun's out on the sofa,and they got on fine, no fights! :DSo tomorow i will let themboth in the bathroom or something (there is no small gaps to get behindin there!). The lop kept hopping onto my lap with Pepper and she evensquashed pepper by sitting ontop of herand nothing happenedlol. I really need to find a name for the Lop, I cant just keep callingher 'The Lop' lol. Any ideas? At the rescue centre they called herDotty, but Im not over keen on the name for a rabbit. She is ginger andwhite, with a few dark brown 'dots'. Will hopefully get a picture ofher, and even more hopefully a pic of them TOGETHER! Fingers crossedfor tomorow! I have persuaded my mum to bring the rabbit inside in thecage tonight so she wont be outside in the cold/rain with the fear offoxes. Cant wait for tomorow now, hope they get on sooo much!
Aghh help! I let the rabbits together in thekitchen, 'where no rabbit has been before' lol and they got on fine. Soi desided to see if they got on OK in the garden, but there was a rlybig fight, and the lops nose was bleeding a bit. Fur flying everywhere.I think i rushed things abit. Shall i keep on letting them in thekitchen together?bevause they get on ok in there? Or has the gardenincident made them hate each other for good? It was pepper that wentfor the lop, probually because it is her territory. Please help!
Just keep letting them play together in thekitchen, bathroom, etc. The garden is claimed as rabbitterritory and they will fight over it unless they really like eachother.

Keep putting them in neutral territory together until you see themplaying together or grooming each other. This usually takessome time.
The lop keeps trying to mate with Pepper whichis p'in Pepper off a bit. But they have been sitting down next to eachother and grooming each other. But as soon as the lop trys to mountPepper, they have a little fight with nips, and a few bits of furflying about. I will definetly consider spaying them and will book thevets tonight. I will also keep letting them run together in thekitchen. They have been sittin a fair way apart and just looking ateach other which is good. But i really thought we was getting somewherewhen they were grooming each other. Until the lop tryed to make babieslol. Hopefully the spaying will help a great deal!
About the spaying.

Shall i book them in the same time? or have one done first, and wait awhile? In the end i will get them both done tho. If i should get onedone first, then which one shall i get done first? The lop that keepstrying to mate with Pepper?
THe mating bit is the buns trying to sort outwho is the leader bun. The Lop wants to be the head bunnyhoncho, but Pepper isnt having it. Keep going at it slowly.

Dont rush, it could end up with SERIOUS injuries.

And I would put them in for the spay together, but thats me, if you cant afford that, one at a time is fine =)
Together will be better because it will get itover and done with, and hopefully they will get on better quicker. Theydo charge an awful lot at vets now adays. When my Mollie died the othermonth, it was a sunday evening when we had to make an emergency visitto the vets. It cost us £80 to get her put down! But it was well worthit. Poor Mollie musta been in pain.

The rescue centre didnt really know much about the Lop when i got her.But they told me she has had babies but dont know how soon ago she did.How long after having babies can you spay them? I would of thoughtitmust of been months ago she had them, as they all have newhomes now
Carolyn wrote:
Why 3 different usernames?


Again, why all the usernames? Hunnybunny63, moonpooka, and now Linz_1987????

That's not what my system is showing.



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