About Us
We are Jeremiah & Crystal of J.C. Rabbitry, Michigan. We started with just one cute bunny several years ago. When we decided to get him a compainion, our love for rabbits was born (literally!). Several litters later we decided to start a rabbitry, where we raised rabbits for pets and show. Our favorite breeds were Rex and American Chinchilla, but we embrace the special qualities of all breeds. We fell in love with the rabbit shows and everything that the rabbit community had to offer.
We have taken our experience with the internet and love for rabbits and brought them together. With over 10 years experience in professional web design and programming, we were able to create a dynamic website for rabbits and their owners. Our goal is to bring together the community of rabbit breeders, pet owners, and fanciers in one place, where they can browse and post all rabbits for free, nationwide.
About Our Website
RabbitTrader.com is a new website designed just for the rabbit community. From pet bunnies to national show rabbits, RabbitTrader.com welcomes all breed of rabbits and their owners. Users can search for rabbit supplies or find a bunny to adopt. Members can post rabbits or any rabbit-related products like bunny toys, housing, and supplies. Everyday free listings include large photos and a contact form.
Visit our home page at http://www.rabbittrader.com.
Edited to conform to RO policy
We are Jeremiah & Crystal of J.C. Rabbitry, Michigan. We started with just one cute bunny several years ago. When we decided to get him a compainion, our love for rabbits was born (literally!). Several litters later we decided to start a rabbitry, where we raised rabbits for pets and show. Our favorite breeds were Rex and American Chinchilla, but we embrace the special qualities of all breeds. We fell in love with the rabbit shows and everything that the rabbit community had to offer.
We have taken our experience with the internet and love for rabbits and brought them together. With over 10 years experience in professional web design and programming, we were able to create a dynamic website for rabbits and their owners. Our goal is to bring together the community of rabbit breeders, pet owners, and fanciers in one place, where they can browse and post all rabbits for free, nationwide.
About Our Website
RabbitTrader.com is a new website designed just for the rabbit community. From pet bunnies to national show rabbits, RabbitTrader.com welcomes all breed of rabbits and their owners. Users can search for rabbit supplies or find a bunny to adopt. Members can post rabbits or any rabbit-related products like bunny toys, housing, and supplies. Everyday free listings include large photos and a contact form.
Visit our home page at http://www.rabbittrader.com.
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