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Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2005
Reaction score
, Nevada, USA
I kept asking my daughter, who is 3 1/2, whather bunnys name was. She finally told me it is Chinny. So I asked heragain later, and it was still Chinny. So I guess we have: Chinny theBunny hehe







We even got some nail clipping done this morning with NO probs at all!I held her like this loosely, pet her face a min, clipped nails on afoot, pet face, ect. She never even flinched :) Which is good, cuzthose nails were long!


Oh what a Punkin. She's adorable. Shelooks great. She really is adorable. I love that ruff of mixed color inthe back of her neck. She is a little doll. Give her some extra treatsfrom her admirers here.


Great pics. There is no such thing as too many bunny pics soyou snap away ok. I look forward to seeing her grow up.

Thanks everyone! She will get some treats :) Sofar, she is really liking the dandelions Ive been giving her. She'staken them the last two days with no probs at all. She wouldnt eat themfor me last night if I held them, but thats alright. She will eat herdried apples that way soooooooo

And I will be sure to tell Caitlyn you all like her bunnys name. She will enjoy that I am sure hehe

She is adorable! I just love her markings andher eyes. Chinny is a GREAT name too. It's so apt for rabbits, mine arealways chinning everything. :)
Hi Chinny! You look likesuch a cute bunny, and youare so relaxed in yourpictures. :D

Rowena you are so lucky to have a bunny likeChinny. I'll have to try holding Pebbles likethat, but she's ticklishwhen we touchher feet. Did you take thatpicture while holding her?

Rainbows! :)
What a sweetheart. She is just adoll. Your little one really chose a great name, veryappropriate for a rabbit. Those dandelions are really greatfor her. They have all kinds of good properties.

AW! Virginia-what a sweetie!Love Chinny! What a great name. Appropriatetoo! How big do Dutch buns get? How old is Chinnyagain?


Shorty, Star & Krick
Thank you everyone!!!

Yes, I took the picture of me holding her. I had to take a couple toget the angle right though LOL She didnt like being put there, but oncethere she was calm and I would pet her little face and she seemed ok :)

Its funny, this morning while in the spare room for pictures, she kept"chinning" the empty baby wipes tub, which is the yellow thing in thepictures lol So I thought: well guess your name fits! And we couldalways say: not by the hair of your chinny chin chin to her hehehe

I feel pretty lucky that Chinny seems to be settling in easily. Sheflops out on her side in her litter box now. And I was thinking hercleaning herself during play time must be a good thing. She was morerelaxed this morning since it was just me and I can hold still forlonger than 2 mins lol My daughter wants to play with her and is alwayson the move in there with Chinny and I, so Chinny gets a little morenervous :)

Thanks again everyone!


dajeti2 wrote:
Oh what a Punkin. She's adorable. She looks great.She really is adorable. I love that ruff of mixed color in the back ofher neck. She is a little doll. Give her some extra treats from heradmirers here.


Great pics. There is no such thing as too many bunny pics soyou snap away ok. I look forward to seeing her grow up.


Star has the same kind of thing going on behind her ears. Thewhite patch is shaped just like, yup, you got it, a star. Arethese normal markings for Dutch buns?
Chinny is right around 11 weeks. She was born Feb 12th :)

Here is some info I read after I got her lol


edited to add: I remembered that they were a smaller breed of bunny,which is another reason I was ok with getting it for her. Since Caitlynis only 3 1/2, a smaller bunny is a little easier for her lol Maybewhen she's bigger we'll get a Flemmish *sp?* hehe
hehe THat picture was her saying: what is thatthing your holding? She wasnt sure of me with the camera but after alittle bit she kept coming closer and I finally got that shot! lolThanks for the compliment! :)


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