New Member
Hey there! My name is Dinah, I've been on rabbitsonline for a bit now, but I realized I never did a proper introduction, because when I first joined my bunbun was injured and I was frantically looking for advice! Well, I'm happy to report that Mr. Benjamin Bunny recovered fine from that injury, and is now hopping happily once more. Benny is a 2 year old English spotted rabbit. I got him about a year and a half ago, and the way I got him was actually pretty cool. I had just gotten a pretty nice apartment in Vancouver, and decided I had enough space to have a bunny, and I'd wanted to get another one ever since my childhood pet rabbit, Nibbler(may he binky in peace!) passed away in 2009. I decided that instead of looking in a pet store, I would check craigslist to see if anyone had a bunny who was looking for a home, or maybe selling little ones from their bunny's litter. Well, I came upon this one page, with a picture of a very cute little bunny on it. It was pretty non-descript, just said "9 month old bunny to good home, small adoption fee, call for details", so I did, and ended up going to the guys house to see this bunny. Now, I just assumed this was someone who had to give away their pet for some reason, moving or something. No. This guy was like, the coolest guy ever. He owns this big two story house out in Richmond. He lives on the top floor(along with a couple dogs, a cat, and a chinchilla), and in the bottom floor: He has a private bunny paradise. Well, that's what it seemed like to me. Basically, this guy runs an awesome bunny shelter. The bottom floor of his house is all divided into different playpens and runs and cages for the bunnies. People bring him sick bunnies or abandoned bunnies they find, or pets they cant keep, and he takes care of them, pays to have them spayed or neutered, and finds them good homes. Like me! I think it's a pretty awesome use of all that space, and if I ever have the room for it, I just might do something similar.
Anyway, I got Benny from him, and he even sold me a cage, a bunch of toys and a big bag of food, for like, 10.00$. Awesome.
Anyway, here's some pictures of the little cutie, playing in my bed.

Anyway, I got Benny from him, and he even sold me a cage, a bunch of toys and a big bag of food, for like, 10.00$. Awesome.
Anyway, here's some pictures of the little cutie, playing in my bed.