Introducing Babbity and Tweak!

Rabbits Online Forum

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New Member
Dec 18, 2011
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Auckland, , New Zealand
Hi there, my name is Hadyn. My fiancee Joanna and I have 2 lovely rabbits, Babbity and Tweak. RO has been an excellent resource that we have referred to often in learning how to be the best bunny parents we can be.


Babbity is an eight month old Flemish Giant/New Zealand White cross, and little Tweak is her daughter and is at 7 weeks old.

Here's the story so far of Babbity and little Tweak.
Babbity had spent most of her life locked away in a lonely hutch in a pet store parking lot, and was being encouraged to breed. We regularly visited her while agonising if we should take her home. She fell pregnant at the store and gave birth to a small litter of 3 adorable bunnies, and shortly after, Joanna and I decided that when the bunnies were old enough, we would adopt Babbity.

Unfortunately when we came by to visit one day, she was missing, and we were told she had escaped during the night. It was a very sad day as we thought we wouldn't ever see her again. A few days later we stopped by the store once more to see how her litter was getting on, & low and behold, Babbity was back! It turned out she was found and brought back by some school kids. Then and there we paid for her, and after her babies were weaned, she came to live with us.

Five days after bringing Babbity home (and after watching some very suspicious nest building behaviour going on), we awoke to find that she had given birth to 2 more bunnies (a mere 5 weeks after her first litter, despite the store saying that they had removed the buck after she initally fell pregnant). Unfortunately one baby appeared to have been stillborn which was very sad, but the second was alive and well, buried deep in the very impressive nest that Babbity had lovingly built.

Seven Weeks later, both rabbits are doing just fine, they are very friendly with each other. They spend most of their day flooped beside one another in a snuggle, they kiss and lick each other, and in the evenings come alive with lots of energy and they hop and play around with plenty of happy binkies (particularly from Tweak).

Joanna and I look forward to meeting you all and being a part of this great community!
What a wonderful thing you did adopting Babbity who is very pretty :) Its so sweet that mommy and daughter love each other so. It would be about time to start shopping for a vet to spay Babbity so the loving relationship can continue. Tweak can be spayed after 4 months. There both darling.
Thanks so much I_heart_Fraggles & JjGoesBounce!

We are definitely going to get both spayed, Babbity early in the new year with luck. We're currently looking for a Rabbit-expert vet in Auckland NZ.
Manurewa vet hospital
128 great south rd
Auckland N.Z
This vet came with a very nice review from another forum member. Said they were knowledgeable,friendly and gentle. A very good rabbit vet. Hope that helps :)
I would like to welcome you to Rabbits Online, my name is Dave and I am a moderator on the forum. So if I can be of any help please let me know. This is a terrific website for rabbits and their slaves, not only is it very active but also friendly. I am so glad you’re here and I know you will enjoy it.

That is a terrific thing you have done, giving her and her kit a loving home.

Many bunnies’ recommend their slaves to this site so we may learn of others methods to keeping our furry masters happy.

If you everhave a sick bunny, please post in The Infirmary and include your rabbit's age, breed and health history as well diet and output details leading up to the problem.

Here are somelinks I thought you might find interesting:

*For reference the Library section

*To brag or tell everyone about the antics of your bunny or just to talk about your day here is where to start a Bunny Blog, you can also look back at it later and remember when you had a life before your bunny.

*Now all the bunny’s like talk to each other when we mere slaves aren’t around in the Bunny Chat is the spot to be.

*The House Rabbit Society has a lot of good information on what veggies are safe for bunny’s, etc.

*Here is a link to learn what your furry master is trying to say to you How to Understand Your Bunny's Language

*Rabbits Online also has regional forums , this a good way to find a vet in your area that has experience with rabbits and to find out from other nearby of good sources of rabbit supplies.

The Let Your Hare Down section is for anything non-bunny related.

Here is a link tothat will help you and your bunny to connect, How to Bond with Your Bunny.

Now every forum has rules and ours can be found with this link Rabbits Online Forum Rules. This gives guidelines on what is acceptable, what is not and how we hope everyone will treat each other.

Everyone on this forum loves to see pictures of each other’s bunnies. So if you would like to post a picture this link will help you do that, Upload Photo's to Photo Gallery. Then in the post, you click on the "G" in the tool bar to insert your photo. Many people also use Photobucket. You just copy the img file and paste it into the post.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions and I am glad you have joined rabbits online; I look forward to seeing you around.

Wow, I've never seen anyone else with a bunny named Babbitty (Although you spell it differently, it's the same thing :p), kudos on such an awesome name!

Welcome to the forums!

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