Hey all --
I have a seven year-old female (unspayed) named Misty, who's a dwarf/English spot. Then there's my one year-old male (neutered) mini lop, Zeke. They both have entire rooms to themselves on separate floors of the house (yes, yes -- they are both spoiled!). They only time they were ever in each other's presence was about a week after Zeke was neutered. He was in a cage in my bedroom (relatively neutral territory) and I brought Misty up there from downstairs. She had free run of the room, and would run by his cage and stomp her feet. He just sat there!
I'm wondering if there's some way to introduce them and see if they could get along. Could they ever both live together in one room? I'm nervous about trying it. I'd want to do it absolutely perfect to shift the odds in favor of it working out all right!
Does anyone have suggestions, warnings, etc.? I don't even know if it can or should be attempted in the first place since there's a six year age difference.
I have a seven year-old female (unspayed) named Misty, who's a dwarf/English spot. Then there's my one year-old male (neutered) mini lop, Zeke. They both have entire rooms to themselves on separate floors of the house (yes, yes -- they are both spoiled!). They only time they were ever in each other's presence was about a week after Zeke was neutered. He was in a cage in my bedroom (relatively neutral territory) and I brought Misty up there from downstairs. She had free run of the room, and would run by his cage and stomp her feet. He just sat there!
I'm wondering if there's some way to introduce them and see if they could get along. Could they ever both live together in one room? I'm nervous about trying it. I'd want to do it absolutely perfect to shift the odds in favor of it working out all right!
Does anyone have suggestions, warnings, etc.? I don't even know if it can or should be attempted in the first place since there's a six year age difference.