Introducing a guinea pig to my rabbit...

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Aug 9, 2005
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I've been wondering whether it would be a good idea to maybe introducea pet guinea pig to my rabbit Rocky.I've heard that theyusually get on brilliantly, as did my Nans. It's just thatIcan't help to think that sometimes Rocky may get lonely, since hehasn't got a companion, like most rabbits do. Rocky is a 3 year oldmaleand has not been neutered. Should I make sure he's beenneutered before considering this? And do you have any tips/advice onhow to introduce them together.


Me and Rocky, hehe.
I would not suggest housing themtogether. The rabbit could hurt the guinea pig.Also, they do have different dietary needs. If you want themto play together but live separately, you could introduce them slowlyin neutral territory the same as if you were bonding tworabbits. You would want to put out things that the pig canhide in that the rabbit can't get into. That way it canescape from him if it needs to.

Since Rocky is not neutered, he will be more likely to be aggressivewith the piggy and will also be more likely to spray or mountit. I've heard the mounting is where a lot of problems comein because the larger rabbit won't realize it's hurting the little pig.

Really, I would think a spayed female rabbit would be a better companion after Rocky is neutered.

It is honestly a very bad idea. The rabbits arejust so much stronger than a guinea pig. With one kick they can break aguinea pig's bones and kill them. The rabbit and guinea pig just needcompanions of the same species. They will be much happier.

Check out this link:

I can see during freetime while you are rightthere. I have done that with my 2lops and they did great. But I wouldnot house them together ever cause guinea pigs can not eat rabbit pels.They both have different kinds of diets and everything.
Thank you all for your advice. I actually didnot know about the different dietry needs for a guinea pig. I'm nowmost definitely going to get a spayed female and hope Rocky gets onwell with her. The trouble is, looking for a breeders. I'm in the UK,so does anyone know any sites?
Is adoption a possibility for you? You can get afemale that is already mature and spayed and that needs a home. Anylocal animal shelter should have a few.

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