Interview by The Animal Companion

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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2004
Reaction score
Hopatcong, New Jersey, USA
I have been approached by a writer who is doing an article on Rabbit Focused Rescue
Groups. She found my name on the Net and wants to interviewme :shock:. She is asking for recommendations on who shouldor shouldn't get a rabbit, food, housing, etc.. :)

Any suggestions? :ponder:I know that there is always something that I forget to say.:foreheadsmack:

A compiled list would be great. :colors: Thanks :sunshine:
How exciting! They couldn't've chosen a better person.

Dootsmom, check out the Cheat Sheet, link is in the Top Picks in the1st or 2nd post of this forum. The notes were put together byBuck, Pamnock, and myself. You might wish to touch upon a fewof the items listed in there.

We're all so proud of you! I can't wait to tell Helen!!

That's wonderful! You have a greatopportunity to educate the public. Is the writer for a paperthat can be accessed online? I'm interested in seeing how itturns out.
OH Charlotte howwonderfull for you !!!!!!! what a greatday for Resuce !!! would you believe whenI first read this I had all sorts ofsuggestions but now that I amtyping out I cant think of a one!!

never mind that I have thought of some ,lol

Stress having a childattend 4 H , and possably the parent also.

READ ! READ ! READ! the more informationan owner has the betterarmed when serious problemsarise .

Joining a respected Forum ,Support group , and /or Clubs forrespective breeds .

ekkkkk Brain Drain , I will get back toyou when my brain cells haveregenerated itnto coheasive thoughts again . lol
LOL!!! Thanks "guys"!!! The interview is 7/5 so, got lots of time to gather info.
T'was a total surprise to be asked for it, as I have just officially"come out of the closet" and went on the Net. Technically,even though I've been taking in Buns for the past 3 years, I'm a Newbieat this. Seems I am the only Rescue around that doesn't havea waiting list!!!! Oh, Boy!!! I'mnervous!!! :?

No need to be nervous, Honey. You know your information inside and out.

No worries.

Hmm...maybe stress how intelligent rabbits are,that they need daily interaction with owners to be socialized, and aresocial creatures by nature. Oh, what about some tips onrabbit body language including binkies, presenting forgrooming/petting, and the infamous 'butt.':p
Also, the importance of a good diet and ofspaying/neutering. I would stress the fact that bunnyownership is just as expensive as cat/dog ownership, if notmore. People (including myself at one point) seem to thinkthat because bunnies are smaller, they require less care/costs.

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