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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
We had an interesting day Friday...

We got the final necessary things in the mail for us to get our Contractor's License, and decided to go out to dinner.

While my husband was on his way home, he called to ask me if I couldsee smoke from my daughter's window. I said, "Why??", andwent to her window. Turns out Griffith Park (HUGE park abouttwenty mins from our house) was on fire.

For those that don't know...Griffith Park is in the Hollywood area(sorta), and butts up against the Hollywood sign. In watchingthe news, after spying the large cloud of smoke rising in the skyoutside my daughter's window, I learned that it was getting just a tadtoo close.

Well, it's out now (was out by 9pm while we were on our way home), and the Hollywood sign is just fine...but wow...

I captured some pictures of the smoke cloud outside my daughter'swindow, and thought they might be interesting to share.Please excuse the interesting effect the screen had on the pictures.

Also, I should note: the reason I'm not to upset about the fire is dueto the fact that we have at least two large forest-type fires a yearhere in Southern California, and they rarely actually wind updestroying property or costing lives.

I always find it interesting walking around outside after or during alarge forest fire that's not too far away, because you get small (andsometimes medium-sized) pieces of ash falling all around.Emily found that interesting while we were out for dinner.Another interesting thing is the strange golden color the dispursingsmoke changes the sunlight to. It's a really neat, somewhatsurreal, effect!

So, enjoy the pictures!








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