Insulating a hutch for winter plus toys!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2005
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, , United Kingdom
Anyone know of any websites for advice on Insulating a bunny hutch?

also im in the UK.I have tried to buy bunny toys as my bun always picksthings up and plays with them is there any uk stockists of Rabbittoys.Ive hunted every petshop for them

actually those hard plastic keys for babies and toilet rolls, boxes etc will do very well for toys.
never thought abot plastic keys - i will go buy some today !

As for toilet roll holders wont the bunny choke on cardboard ??
Hmm I have never known bunnies to choke onanything. The toilet rolls should be pretty safe, no worries. My bunnylikes to throw the plastic keys around, its rather noisy at times, lol
I've not had a problem with toilet paper rolls either.

Cookie loves just a crumpled up sheet of newspaper. I crumpleit into a ball, and it's light enough for him to pick it up and flingit around the room.

As for insulating a hutch. There havebeen multiple topics about that on this forum. I can't searchfor them right now for you, but the search bar above will let youeasily find them. In short, keep the hutch out of wind, givethe bunny plenty of fresh water and food, don't wall up every singleside but a two or three sides is good, give them a good spot to sitthat has a solid floor (it makes a BIG difference), and the BEST thingyou can do for an outdoor bunny is buy or build a wooden nest box (awooden box with a narrow side missing or an edge cut away at a 45degree angle about half way back) and then stuff it full of hay orstraw (hay is nice cause then they can eat it too). The nestbox is like a warm bed for your bunny and will make the biggestdifference after keeping him out of the wind in keeping him warm on thecoldest days. Just remember to change the hay about once aweek.
While its true there havebeen many topics done onkeeping rabbits outside in the winterthere hasnt been a whole lotdone as to HOW to position thetarps and such , Not to mention ifyour unsure how to word it correctlythe search feature will not actually helpit will hinder the search , That said
What I do for outside rabbitsduring the winter is wrap a tarp around 3sides of the cage , if possible there isone that comes double inulated , itsgenerally used to wrap overcars that have no garage ,it works very well , but is a bit pricy, But I feel My rabbitsare worth the extra costand Have one on hand constantly .Also If you can find arefridgerator blanket , ( ones used tocover during shipping ) thatwill help a lot also . old horse blanketsif you have access will helptoo. Hope this helps somethere are a lot of options outthere to keep bunnies outsidewarm all winter long .
Have you tried hutch huggers? down). I've never tried one myself but they look good.They alsohave sungglesafe on there which look good, i'm getting one thiswinter. For my bunnies i use an old sleeping bag to insulatedthe outside with a horse blanket on top. You can also use carpet, oldblankets, survival blankets (haven't tried it but have heard of it) andanything waterproof to keep it dry. Also remeber to cover over thefront at night leaving a small gap for air, i find an old coat workswell. Hope this helped.:D
I went throughthis site that was posted ithas some very excellent productsfor inside and outside rabbits, I myself am particularly taken with the bottlesnugg ! what a great idea for keepingwater bottles the right temperature , I think Ineed about 50 of those !!! andthe price is awsome , I dont believe shipping wouldtake it out of the affordableeither . Thanks for the site Bunny Rulesexcellent find.

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