Injured Wild Baby Rabbit

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Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
London, , Canada
Today I found an injured baby rabbit in the garden all by iteself. The mother did not come back after dark so I brought it in and saw that there was caked-on blood between his tail land left hind leg. I cleaned away the blood as best as I could and when the blood was all cleared up, I could see a flab of skin very slightly pulled back. There were also a couple very small stiff pieces of hay stuck in the wound which had been raked up with the grass in the garden. I carefully removed the hay and now have him in a shoe box with air holes poked through and some clean towels. I filled up a long sock and put some uncooked rice in it and microwaved it for just over a minute and placed it in the box with him (I made sure it wasn't too warm for him).

It's getting rather late now and I don't now what I have that I can feed him. There is a Shopper's Drug Mart still open down the street though and I'm not sure how long it's been since he last ate and I read that I can feed him special kitten formula.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I will probably be calling The Humane Society or Animal Control in the morning to see if they or anyone else in the area can take him and nurse him back to health.

In the mean time, should I just use a saline solution to periodically clean the wound? I am trying to handle him as little as possible and I am keeping him in a quiet area as not to disturb him.

Thanks =)
Local wildlife center should do the trick, sometimes volunteers may even pick up animals after hours if you can get ahold of somebody.

As for foods, you can offer him some leafy greens, veggies, fruits, whole oats (not quick) stuff like that.

You can flush the wound with saline to get the dirt and junk out of it, and then I would just leave it, depending on the wound size it should adhear to itself but I cant tell from your description.

How old is this rabbit?
how big is the wound?
It is at least 10 days old as his eyes are opened and he fits in the palm of my hand.
The wound is only about 2mm or so, I will try to take a picture of it.

I just put in some small bits of lettuce for him as well.
A baby that young I would not give it fresh veggies, being a wild bunny I would just give him grass and hay. The rolled oats would be good too, a good sorce of fiber and calcium.
at 2mm just give the wound a good flush and it should be good to go, just make sure the little flap of skin is in the right spot.

There is nothing wrong with giving a baby that young veggies especially since it doesnt seem like the OP owns rabbits and has access to hay.... You just want the rabbit to eat at this point especially if its injured. Nevermind finding hay at 10pm for a rabbit that is not being kept.

I'm sure the rabbit will be with the wildlife center or at the humane society tomorrow where somebody can find some hay....
Ok thanks, I will try and keep it cleaned as best I can. Lettuce is the only thing I have that I can give to him right now. I'll see if he is eating any shortly.
I was going to call Animal Care or the Humane Society in the morning, but will call the St.Thomas center from your link first, thank you =)
My dog later found and dug out the nest that had 3 other babies in it, non were harmed (at least physically, I'm sure they got quite a scare though), he was just curious and just sniffed them as they hopped around the area.
I rebuild the nest even better and stronger than it was, lining it with grass and the mother's hair and they all went back into it just fine.
I will be going outside with my dog in the backyard for now, at least until they leave the nest.

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