injured bunny (or hare?)

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Jun 9, 2011
Reaction score
NE Central, Florida, USA
Hi Y'all, I usually spend my time on, and am seeking advice there this morning too. Today, I've found a wild rabbit (hare? can y'all tell me?) injured on the road. I'll try to post images. Caution: they're a little gruesome. Please delete 'em if they're against the rules. I'm trying to figure out how much fluid it's ok to give him (I'm giving him diluted pedialyte) and what he might like to try to nibble on. Honestly, he seems very seriously hurt. I'm just trying to help keep him afloat until I can find a compassionate rehabber who won't immediately euthanize him. I hope this isn't an intrusion. I don't mean to stomp into a message board with a plea that isn't similar to what usually goes on here. Thanks for your time.
Oh my, that does look extremely serious... To be honest, I don't really know what to suggest for it. I mean, the obvious answer would be a vet but of course, that would be hard because regular vets are not allowed to look at wildlife, so you're kind of stuck there...

I would probably just keep doing what you're doing, looking for a rehabber and keeping it comfortable...

Poor little guy... It's great that you took it in...
Thanks Kipcha. I even think someone at my vet would take a look at him, but then I think they'd say, 'oh, that's neurological damage; have to put him down.' I lost a very aware squirrel rescue that way (she had some paralysis, but now I know squirrels survive that way in loving homes all the time)and I don't want it to happen again when there might be someone who could and would care for him. Thanks.
Oh goodness!! First off he is a gorgeous wild rabbit. I would highly recommend calling a wildlife rescue if you have not already done so. I now that it is illegal to rescue and care for any wild animal. They will know what to do for him. You are soooo great for rescuing the poor guy. I hope he makes it but it looks as though he will lose his eye. Poor baby. Bless you for taking him in.
Thanks MustLovePets, I'm trying to touch base with a rehabber through the squirrelboard, but if you guys know of someone in North Central Florida who can/will help rabbits, please feel free to give me their contact info. I know of one person in Gainesville, but I took my last squirrel find to her and she doesn't have the courtesy to tell me if he survived his 48 hours observation, so I'm afraid she might have euthanized him and might do so to this one (almost certainly would, I think). I'm finding that some are just very quick to do that, unfortunately.
Sorry I am not familiar with the area but are anywhere near West Palm Beach? There is a wildlife rescue there. Even if you are not very close it would be worth calling McCarthys Wildlife Sanctuary and maybe they can either help or refer.
It looks like a swamp rabbit. I don't know the real species name, just the common name. Definitely wild. A wildlife rehabber or emergency vet will be the best option. They try very hard to keep animals alive and only euthanize if there is little chance of the animal surviving or if the rehab process will put the animal through a large amount of pain and suffering. The department of natural resources is usually a good place to start to find the right person.
Thanks, everyone, for the information today. Friends had me call a rehabber I was already accquainted with, but I thought she might have too much going on to take this one. Turned out, one more wasn't going to ruin her day, so bunny has gone to a compassionate person who, if bunny can survive, will help him to survive. And if he can be released, she will help him with his release too. I know y'all will keep him (or her) in your thoughts. :)
That's great. If you're interested in wildlife rehab, you can probably volunteer with somebody locally. If there isn't a physical building or organization with many rehabbers, many need help, especially in the summer season. Wildlife takes a lot of work--feedings have to be very often, you have to follow certain methods to make sure they don't become too dependent on people (to prevent future release),etc. I know the wildlife center here takes lots of volunteers mostly to help with feeding orphaned youngsters, which is tough because sometimes you have to feed them every hour or so!
Hi everyone. The rehabber gave me an update on the bunny tonight. He is still surviving and is at the vet. Has no broken bones, but is thought to have head trauma. For head-tilting and eye problems, he's receiving anti-inflamatory meds. I'm so glad he's still hanging on. Thanks everybody.
Hey everyone. I'm sorry I don't bring good news. Unfortunately, the bunny did not recover from his head trauma and finally went blind. The rehabber who took him in reports that the vet had to do the merciful thing and see the bunny to his rest. Thanks for your advice and interest in his progress. Again, sorry I don't have better news. Hope everyone is well.