Ingested Bird Treat..... Please Read!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2011
Reaction score
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Peter is a dwarf mix, 1 year old now, not sure of his current weight although quite a healthy weight.

He has gotten into the habit of going into the birds cage and so he was JUST able to reach the spray millet treat hanging from one of the branches. I'm not sure how much he ingested, I don't think it was much as most of it is just at the bottom, I would say less than a tiny handful if even that.

Here is a link to the type of treat

and the ingredients listed in order are: Yellow Millet, Canary Seeds, red millet, oat groats, honey, algae.

How concerned should I be? He really did not ingest much as I heard a noise and thats when I saw him in the cage (which is on the floor).

I personally wouldn't worry too much. Watch for change in behavior but I don't *think* of those ingredients are poisonous or even too bad for a bunny.
It's a little rich for him, but he'll be fine. Those are often ingredients found in junk-food pellets. You know, the ones with all the seeds? Just decrease his pellets for the next day or two and encourage the hay, and he should be fine.
I wouldn't be too concerned if it was just a small amount. Millets, oat groats, honey is alright. I'm not 100% sure about canary seeds and algae, but I think that is alright. Just think of it as an unhealthy, but tasty treat to Peter.

I would check double-check on his poop and make sure he's eating enough hay to push it out.
Oh thank god. Thank you for the replies! I was just so worried! Since I started regulating his diet, he's been trying to nibble away at anything he can get his mouth on!

I had to hide his food because everytime I let him out, he would chew a hole in the bag and *sneak* it when I wasn't looking.

Poor little guy I guess he was hungry I didn't notice that he ate all his hay (I give him unlimited timothy hay) so now he's noming on it in his cage. Hes been eating a significant amount of hay lately, I mean as soon as I fill the bowl his immediate goal is to empty it. Should I increase his pellets I give him a little more than 1/4 cup but I suppose he is quite active as well, he looks good though.

LOL at LakeCondo's comment! I should hope so, he deserves it!
holtzchick wrote:
Oh thank god. Thank you for the replies! I was just so worried! Since I started regulating his diet, he's been trying to nibble away at anything he can get his mouth on!

I had to hide his food because everytime I let him out, he would chew a hole in the bag and *sneak* it when I wasn't looking.

Poor little guy I guess he was hungry I didn't notice that he ate all his hay (I give him unlimited timothy hay) so now he's noming on it in his cage. Hes been eating a significant amount of hay lately, I mean as soon as I fill the bowl his immediate goal is to empty it. Should I increase his pellets I give him a little more than 1/4 cup but I suppose he is quite active as well, he looks good though.

LOL at LakeCondo's comment! I should hope so, he deserves it!
I noticed when my boys are molting, they tend to eat more hay. I don't know if it's my imagination or if they know hay will help with hairballs.

Pellet amount seems right. I'd give him as much hay as he wants. You know your rabbit and what "looking good" is. Just observe like you are doing.

Glad to hear nothing bad happened from eating someone else's food.


He could be molting but I don't think so. I just don't understand how he reached the millet in the first place it was hung quite high so he must have climbed onto Picasso's (my birds) play gym and then the spray millet, basically he really wanted to get that treat!
Haha, I wouldn't be surprised if he climbed up Picasso's play gym. Rabbits can be clever and quite resourceful when it comes to food. Especially treats!

Maybe double the amount of hay you're giving? I always give more than enough in their hay racks and leave some hay in their cardboard boxes and tunnels.
I have zebra finches in the same room as Houdini and Cinderella. Houdini likes to hoover any seeds (mostly millit) that the birds toss out of the cage. I try to keep them cleaned up, but he gets some from time to time. I don't really worry about it because he's at a good weight. :)

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