Info on breeding E lops

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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
Reaction score
, Ohio, USA
[align=left]We are adding a pair of English lops to are rabbitry! I feel now that i am happy with the way my lionheads are going i can add another breed! Since im not breeding Dutch anymore. My pet English lop just passed from old age. The buck is a Broken Black Torte and the doe a Chestnut.

[align=left]So what do i need to know about breeding them? Are they good mothers? Do they have a easy time birthing? At what age do you breed them? How long should their ears be?[/align]

[align=left]If you have any thing else to add please do![/align]

Every rabbit has the same basic breeding rules - breed does before they are a year old, or possibly as early as 6 months. I know that E Lop ears have to be at least 21 inches from the tip of one ear to the tip of the other ear.

I am not sure that it would be a good idea to breed those two colors togther unless you know what you will get out of it, you might want to check your standard and see what colors are accepted.
Does can be bred after 8 months. They're a 'giant' breed. and you do not want to stunt their growth. I've a pair that I got maybe 2 months ago. And they're hitting 8 months, and I can't explain the amount of size and weight they've put on. They're a breed to NOT rush with the breeding. I was told to hold out on breeding them.
I would also not recommend breeding those two colors. You arent supposed to breed an agouti to a shaded color. It messes up the ring color of the agouti and then you just get either really bad agouti or unshowable babies. Thats what i'm finding out with my chestnut brit. I heard either breed him to a rew that has chestnuts in the background, a black otter, or another chestnut.

As far as breeding i would agree dont breed before 8 months and after 1 year of age.

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