Indoor Bunny 24/7

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Snuggys Mom

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2005
Reaction score
Memphis, Tennessee, USA
I never take my bunnies outdoorsanymore. Is that okay? Do they need sun to behealthy? I know humans get something from the sun that theyneed, so I'm just curious.

I used to take mine out to play sometimes, but we have lots of hawksflying around our area and I worry one might swoop down and snatch upone of my babies.

I also worry about fleas/ticks/mites.


It's perfectly fine, Bi1526.

Actually, you have to be very careful of rabbits in the sun as theyquickly can get sun/heat stroke and canpass on before youknow it.

One of my rabbits doesn't like going outside. He prefers aroof over his head, and he is very paranoid of the differentsounds.

Exercise, a good diet, staying dry and comfortable, and of course thelove you have for your little one and the care you give assures he'sgot all he needs to live a happy, long life.

Thanks, Carolyn. Glad to hear that.

My mom is always fussing at me and telling me they need fresh air. She's never had rabbits though.

My two girls have most of my house as a playground and they seem perfectly happy with their environment.


My rabbits stay indoors 24/7, and not just indoors, but, in their cages pretty much 24/7.

I'll take them out for about a half an hour a day for cuddle, but Ican't let them run around because they'll kill themselves (they lovewires!)

So, don't worry if you don't get to take them outside! You can always open a window if you're that concerned ;)

bi1526 wrote:
Thanks, Carolyn. Glad to hear that.

My mom is always fussing at me and telling me they need fresh air. She's never had rabbits though.

My two girls have most of my house as a playground and they seem perfectly happy with their environment.

Sounds like they have a wonderfullife.

Keep up the good work.

I'm glad that you fuss over themrather thanthealternative. Think of your mom saying you fuss over themasa compliment. :)

I have 12 computers, the TV, 2 lamps, surroundsound speakers, the XBox, the Gamecube, and a whole bunch of otherthings, there's just way too many wires to cover, theres no way I cando it.

I'd rather have my bunnies alive and in their cages then dead...I takethem out for walks downstairs when I'm not working, but for the mostpart, they stay in their cages.

P.S. Not to worry you, but keep in mind, your rabbits canstill get fleas or ear/fur mites even without going outside.
Nooooo, she's mad at me because I never take them outdoors. She thinks I'm mistreating them.

I'll tell her The Pro said it was okay.:)


MyBunnyLovesMe wrote:
I have 12 computers, the TV, 2 lamps, surround soundspeakers, the XBox, the Gamecube, and a whole bunch of other things,there's just way too many wires to cover, theres no way I can do it.
That's a lot of cords!

I had to put a baby gate on the computer room door for that reason.

It is a lot of chords! Trust me, I've triedputting up barriers and blocking things off, the little poopers stillmanage to get to those chords!

I don't care if the chords get ruined, I can always replace that stuff,but I really wouldn't ever want my bunnies to get hurt or die fromchewing on it.

If I had a room with no chords they'd never be in a cage.

I took Samson out for a walk yesterday, it was -1 out, but cold doesn't bother him. He kept sniffing the snow, it was funny.

You won't believe how many weird looks you get when walking a bun around downtown Toronto... :?

I'm not a Pro, but I do know that you're fine with yourdecision. It's definitely not mean of you to let them havethe house to roam around in.

Check out the post at the top of the Board called Keeping your RabbitCool in the Summer months for what people do have to watch out for inthe hot, sunny months.


Oh, I know how damaging heat can be tobuns. I got my two buns in the fall and winter. Itold my husband we could keep them in the garage (knowing full-well I'dhave them in the house in no time). After we got them, I toldhubby they wouldn't be able to take the heat this spring and we'd haveto bring them in. It worked!

I am so thrilled to be able to have indoor pets. I'm 37 andit's the first time in my life that's been possible. I haveterrible allergies to dogs and cats, but the bunnies have neverbothered me. They are a gift from God.


We just do the best we can with what we have.

I have no plans to take Pebbles outside. She lives in an airconditioned house with air purifiers. She stays in the cagefor her protection, (worry free for us), but gets free runs in thehallway, (bunny proofed), for 4 - 5 hours a day.

Yes fleas or ear/fur mites can be a worry, because I always drop in onthe local animal shelters or pet shops.

Edit: Give Snuggles a BUNNY HUG for us.

Rainbows! :)

I have actually debated in my own mind abouttaking Bo outside at all. I would like to get him a harnessand let him walk about some but I'm so afraid of him getting bit orchased or something even with me there.

I know that when it's a nice day, he's in a room that has lots ofwindows and I always open the blinds for the sun to comethrough. He's not too impressed...... he usually puts hispuppy on his head and hunkers down in his bed LOL!
Out of 6 of our buns only 3 actully like to comeout of their cages. The other three come out forgrooming/cleaning/clipping/inspections by seem to prefer the securityof theircages.

We take Binkie out a lot, but she's like a velcro bunnie and just kindof stays where she lands. I think she get more excercise in her cagethat out of it.

Brindle has free run of two rooms when she is out. She usually staysout until she gets caught doing something wrong or getting intosomething she's not suppose to...and then it's back in the cage.

Chippy is just starting to get free run of the rooms, but prefers torun back and forth on the ledge in front of all the cages. She goes toeach cage to see what is close enough for her to steal. Guard youleftover veggies/blankies/toys bunnies!!!

:~) Jim

I know you guys have very good reasons for keeping your buns indoors,but I CANNOT tell enough how much joy they seem to get at being allowedto run and frollick outside. It has taken me many months to rabbitproof the garden and even now there is still a bunny vs me battle asthey find a new escape routes. But I keep a constant watch on them whenthey are out free ranging and any escapes are soon noticed.

When they leap and bound and run at full speed, and I mean as fast as aflash of light, chasing each other and totally bunny hopping severalfeet in the air from pure joy at the space and freedom they have,well.......... I just could not keep them confined to a cage 24/7.

During the day when I am at work they have a large floor space in aspecially built hut in the garden, with boxes to play in and toys andlogs etc to chew on. In the evenings they come into the houseand lounge about in the sitting room and so have a varied butroutine day.

Yes I have had to bunnyproof wires and cables, but it is not toodifficult, a stairgate stops them going upstairs where they could causemischief and so I think they have the best of both worlds. It's just amatter of keeping up with vacinations etc. and being preparedto put time, effort and energyinto your pets.
Agree that they are a joy to behold when they areable to free range, but if they've never had it, I don't think theymiss it as long as they do get exercise inside.

If one is concerned about the lack of sunlight, leave a curtain open ortwo to admit the sunlight. If bunny(ies) wants it,he(they)'ll bask there in the sun.

Bunnies also can get sun burned, or more correctly "sun bleached" bybeing in the sun. More noticeable in darker colored coats,which will become reddish in hue, and NOT evenly, I mightadd. For that reason, some showers minimize time spent indirect sunlight.


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