In the spirit of Bo's post about Lexi.. im sittin here cryin over Blakey..

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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
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, Texas, USA
Blakey is now 15..

I am also here by myself save for my husband..who is vershnoozin (psuedo german for, Christian is gone to a friends.

It's been a big month for Blake.. and if you weren't here at the beginning of May, then to recap, his best friend drowned, and Blake saw him pulled from the river.

June saw alot of things in store for him, and the month is only half over with,Blake was elected our 4-H clubs Vice President... he got his first REAL girlfriend. Meaning basically, the first girl who's anatomy most closely resembles a woman's, and also has the power to do real damage to my sons ego. He also got his first real kiss, and I only know this because I interuppted it. June also saw the dissolution of this relationship, for stupid reasons, and oddly enough, instead of crying about it.. my son thinks he can now ask out any girl who strikes his fancy, has no concept of *outta your league* ... (relatively sure Blake thinks it means she bowls on another night)... and his confidence/ego/mojo levels are astronomical.

He also turned 15, and got a 2001 Dodge Ram Quad V-8 for his Birthday.. which is funny, cause that just means I resigned myself to riding around with a teenager for the next 6 months.

As of tommorrow.. he starts his first real job, a construction job.. he calls it *spending the summer with Senor Manual Labor*.. he will be doing this until 2 a days start in August for football.

He took his cell phone with him, told me to NOT be uncool and call him and say all that *I love you stuff*.. but to text him..

Crying.. literally.. he's so not my baby anymore...

I think I should go stay with Bo and cry with her..

:hugsquish:They grow up so fast, don't they?

Whatever the reasons, and even as hard as some of these things are for him, he's going to be stronger for having gone through them. WE on the other hand.... well... how many gray hairs do YOU have now? :lookaround
Even as his sister, I can't get over the fact that my brother is 16 this year :thud: I swear it was only yesterday he was 11 :craziness his birthday is in november and all his friends keep saying to him "x amount of months/days until your leeeegal" and my mum is like :nerves1 how can my 'little' boy be nearly sixteen :nerves1

Truth is you'll be glad when he is grown up :toastingbuns
Aww. All this good mommies on the site make my heart sing :whistling. OMG, how lame am I that I just said "make my heart sing?!" Who do I think I am, Paula Abdul? Sheesh. Okay, all kidding aside, it really is beautiful to see moms, dads, and siblings alike really love their family. It's amazing to me and gives me so much hope.

From someone who's 25 and legally and mentally an adult, I can honestly say that you will never lose your "baby." I love my mom now as much as I did then - if not more. Now I didn't have a happy childhood, but that love never goes away. And they'll always need their "mommy."

Just my :twocents.
I don't recall what my actuall haircolor is I think it's dark brown of some sort.. with some auburn to it, but it's currently flame red.. I may very well be all silver..

I caved and thought I would be sneaky and call his boss...he didn't answer.. so I am out in the rabbitry and the phone rings and it's Blake from his phone.. *I thought I told you not to call.. I'M FINE!*
It's so cool to know that I'm in such good company with my tears and such....when people told me many years ago that the time would go by so quickly, I laughed and thought...not quickly enough...I hate these 2 a.m. feedings, colic, carrying enough stuff to diaper the entire population of a village, I say the same thing to the new moms that I see....funny how things come around! Thinking of you as Blake stands so strongly on his own. You are the reason that he can stand and take his place in the world....I read once that parenthood is the only job in which your ultimate goal is to work yourself out of a job!
pumpkinandwhiskersmom wrote:
....I read once that parenthood is the only job in which your ultimate goal is to work yourself out of a job!

I like that! I'll have to remember it. Sigh... I hope they grow up to be good people. If they don't, it's not for lack of my trying! And I hope they still like me when they have a family of their own. (If I don't kill them before then! LOL!)

Don't cry, Zin... You've done good! I haven't even met Blake and I want my daughter to meet him!
BlueGiants wrote:
I hope they grow up to be good people. If they don't, it's not for lack of my trying! And I hope they still like me when they have a family of their own. (If I don't kill them before then! LOL!)
Do they take after your mom with her dislike of animals? cause if they don't I think you'll be ok! LOL!
Zin,you've done your job by Blake and watch him like a "Sitcom".

Meaning (edit) that you and I both have been in Blakes shoes to a point offiguring out life and having tofigure out prolems

Blake will callyou at some point and time SCREAMINGfor your help (just wait.. wait for it.. wait for it... "Mom I need a $1000 to cover, x.y.z.." and you won't feel so bad).

OR, the Universe is setting you up to take in another child that needs your 24/7 care.. Funny how these things happen.

So prepare yourself for the NEXT step in your life - IT will be interesting! :D

Blake's home for the next couple of days.. and apparently it is my turn to babysit the tribe this weekend.

The tribe can wait till after Friday night when I see *The Love Guru*

Blake told me matter of factly tonight *Ty told me Stormy still has feelings for me.. I think im gonna ignore her for a spell, see how she likes it..*


I wanna stab myself.. IN THE EYE..with a butterknife.... NOW...
As a mom who's been there and back again about a million times, all I can say is strap yourself in, and hold on for the ride. It sounds really good that Blake has that attitude. One of my sons would be banging on her door and begging her to come back to him. Our Casanova is between girls right now, and driving all of us nuts...with me, it's a VERY short drive....good thing with gasoline at $4/gallon...Thinking of you as you enter this time of teenage uncertainty and angst...sometimes I think it's we moms who have the most uncertainty and angst in all of this.....