In the life of Teddy

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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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Bethlehem, Georgia, USA
I guess this is where I should start a little journal on Teddy. Right now there is not much to wright about. He is a quiet bunny,but then again we have only had our 4 month old for 3 weeks. Today we take him to the Vet for his first little check up and to see when we can get him snipped.:(Poor guy. Lastnight we had him on our bed for a few minutes and he thought that was pretty cool. He started doing his popcorning that is so fun to watch. And what I call is whisker kisses on my face. Then he started leaving his territory poop pellets I thought ok time for bed I didnt want him to pee on my bed next. But anyways he is a pretty mellow bunny right now I hope once he gets more used to us he will come out of his shell. I will blog when we come back from the doctor.
I am so excited we got to bring him home today and he was moving around his carry cage and acting like he never went through a big sergery. This is what they typed in the report.

On Thursday an endosocopic ovariectomy was attempted. However,when neither the overies nor the uterus could be found the endosocopy was aborted and an exploratory laparotomy was performed. Once in the abdomen it was determined that Teddy was not a female,but instead a male with two underdeveloped,retained testicles. Both testes were removed. A small focal area of concern was found on the cecum. It could not be determined if this area communicated through the wall of the cecum or not. The area was ligated as a prevention of leakage. There is a doctors notes on the procedure. They also took pictures of a normal male part and female part and then they showed teddies. Well lets just say teddies area is a little confused:). The medication he is on is Meloxicam,Cisapride, & Trimethoprim. So he is in his cage acting like nothing happend. Makes me a little nervous I dont want him jumping around,but I think he is so happy to be home.
Aw poor wee mite he ended up having a major op there then! at least he is all fixed now. I have always had the same problem with mine after a neuter!!

Give him a nose rub from me he is lovely :D
Yay! I'm so glad Teddy is at home and feeling well; what a trooper! Same thing happened to my male cat Tyler - they had to go in and FIND his testicles that he was hiding.. Poor boy had metal staples all up his tummy; his sister Tbone had just a couple of dissolvable stitches from her spay (they went at the same time)..

Really happy that Teddy is home w/you and hope the healing continues w/out any problems..
I just took Teddy in for he check up since his little surgery. After an hour and a half of them checking him out they came back and told me that he is healing perfectly. But he should still limit his playtime.:(I can tell he feels like a trap rat in his cage. His mood is a little different though. I used to be able to go in his cage while he is in there to tiddy up. Except today he decided to not pee in his littlerbox and so I went to clean it up while he was in there and I got the first taste of thishisterritory, I got clawed at and nipped at. Now I know I have to wait till he gets out of his cage to clean it. I let him have a little free roam,I climbed into his play area and I layed down and since I didnt have shoes or socks on he wanted to bit my toes so I put those up. And he sniffed all over me makes me a little nervouse when he sniffs my face because I dont want him to bite me. Then next thing I know he jumped up on my tummy and was climbing up my legs,he could climb all the way to the top because he would slide down. Silly buns.

But overall he is doing pretty good, I just cant wait for him to be jumping around and being the cute little bunny that he is.
Yay! So glad Teddy is feeling good and irritated - LOL!! Mom obviously is being a little over protective for his liking - but good for you.. Post a photo soon of the new and better Teddy!
Well here are a few pictures that I took of Teddy today, He was out exploring a little bit. I dont know why it wont show the pictures and you have to click on the links.Hmm but here some pics thou. So next wed,he should be able to really play. He is suck a lazy bun thou he comes out for maybe 5 min and then back in his cage he goes,he was even like that before the surgery. Is it he is still getting used to us or his this how this the lops are? Well if this is how he is atleast we know for now he wont get into to much trouble.;)

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