In Need of Same sex Bonding sucess stories.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2004
Reaction score
, New Brunswick, Canada
Hello All

I have a friend who for personal reasons needs to rehome her bunny andme being the "oh I'll take it!!" kind of person that I am have agree totake him. He is a purebred Holland lop. I currentlyhave a mini rex who is also a male...he is neutured. NowHarley the lop is not neutured...but that will be as soon as I gethim. We were going to do it before I got him but the vet shegoes to is all booked up way into April and I am going Easterweekend. We live 4 hours a part! So needless to sayno introductions will be made until about 2 weeks afterthelophas been fixed. Does everyone agree withthis? Or should I introduce them beforethelopis fixed?Iwould really like to avoidthat whole spraying dominance thing if at all possible. Iwould really like some stories from you out there who have a same sexpair who is bonded and what you did to make the bonding process goeasier on everyone. Both of these rabbits are really laidback. Rex is my baby and we spend a lot of timetogether...will getting another rabbit hurt our bond? Pleasegive me your stories and opinions!!

Thank you in advance

Most same-sex bongings turn out very well,especially if introduced slowly and on neutral territory. I thinksomeone once said (in another thread) that there is still "viable"sperm left in the male for up to one month???? I'm not sure, though.

My Bramble and Briar were both rescued at the same time, i don'tbelieve that they ever knew each other prior to me bringing them home.I put them in our own hand-built cages with only chicken wireseparating them. I believe their bonding went so well is because theywere new to a place, and only had each other as company. (Of course,Bramble and Briar are the same sex, so, not quite what you were lookingfor, lol)

Good luck with the new baby, post pictures soon!


My two boys, Summer and Savage get along great!Summer is an 18 pound Checkered Giant, and Savage is a Rex/Dwarf,weighing in at about 2 or 3 pounds. They are both not fixed, and theygot along the minute they saw eachother! Summer is almost 2 years, andSavage is about 6 months.
I haven't bonded same-sex pairs, though membershere have, and it is possible. I can't really offer any advice, otherthan definately wait until Harley is neutered and the hormones havesubsided, and do slooow introductions on neutral territory.

Bonding my two bunnies had no negative affect *whatsoever* on myrelationship with my mini-Rex, Rex :p. Rabbit-rabbitrelationships are so very much different from rabbit-humanrelationships, and I've never had to "compete" with Peanut for Rex'sattention, or vice versa. If I -say- start giving Peanut noserubs, Rexwill often come over and either want noserubs himself, or willstart licking Peanut's nose, like, "Hey mom, I can help with that!"

Check out the House Rabbit Society's website( for information on bonding, and also do asearch for posts here on bonding. Hopefully some of our moreexperienced members will be able to pitch in.

It's really great that you're taking this lil' guy in! Keep us posted with everything :)
Hi Shannon,

I have two bonded girls. It was a little scary at first, butit just took a little time and patience. Like Ellie said, thekey is using neutral territory to introduce them. The bathtubworked great for me, but really any small space will work as long asneither bunny has claimed it.

You will have to post pictures so we can all see your boys.

Good luck!

