In Memory of "Buck Jones"

Rabbits Online Forum

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Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2004
Reaction score
, Pennsylvania, USA
Carl (aka Buck Jones) was arespected member of this forum, and although he is no longer with us, his posts are still read and used for reference. I keep a "Buck Jones" avatar in memory of Carl.

We miss you dear friend . . .

[align=center]Carl J. Lewis[/align]

[align=left]Carl Lewis, age 62, of Point Pleasant, New Jersey, passed away in his sleep on Sunday, June 19,2005. Carlwas a rabbit enthusiast and retired schoolteacher, having instructed history and social studies for 32 years. He was also a Vietnam veteran, motorcyclist, active in his church, enjoyed photography, camping, bicycling, scale-model building and back packing.


[align=left]A pet rabbit owner himself, Carlhad many friends among rabbit breeders and has been a member of a number of organizations including the American Rabbit Breeders Association.

Carl was affectionately known as �Buck Jones� among his internet friends of popular rabbit forums including Rabbits Only and many others, where he shared his love of rabbits. He was well respected for his knowledge gleaned through his rabbit care experiences and extensive studies on the internet as well as referring to a well stocked personal library of rabbit related materials. Insightful as well as intelligent, Carl always seemed to have the right answers whether dealing with rabbits or people. If anyone needed information, he was the one �in the know� and kept up to date on the most recent advances in veterinary care and nutrition for rabbits. He was also well-versed on rabbit behavior.

Many stories have been shared throughout the rabbit world of Carl's generosity and caring demeanor and his many rabbit friends throughout the world will miss him.

Carl leaves behind his wife Helen of 40 years, grown son Eric and daughter Candace as well as two grandsons.

Attached Image (viewed 638 times):


He was so honored to share a birthday with you, Pamnock. Bless your heart for remembering him on the special day you both share.

You both have given so much to so many.


Happy Happy Birthday Buck and Pamnock!

Much Love,

I joined this forum just a week or two before Buck's passing, and unfortunately I never had the experience of getting to know him. Yet somehow, I feel as if I do. Looking at the pictures posted of him, there is something in his eyes, almost like that of azen master...a very spiritual and loving being, someone who touched everyone in a profound way, whether they knew him or not. I do know that many of his friends mourned his passing very deeply when he left, and I can understand why. His like do not come along very often, and when they do leave, there is a gap left behind that is never again filled. Yet his presence is very much still here in spirit. You only have to stop and 'feel' to know it.

In love and spirit, Buck...


I only joined this forum a few months ago, so unfortunately, never knew him. :(From what I've heard though, he was an amazing man and I'm really sorry to all who loved and knew him

I joined the forum before Buck passed on. I always had the impression that if there was a true rabbit whisperer, it was him. I was really looking forward to meeting him at the RO picnic last year, but he passed just before then. I really felt a kinship with him because we both smoke pipes and love rabbits. I'm certain he is taking good care of all our bunnies that have passed over the rainbow bridge. :rainbow::pink iris:
I didn't realize it was Carl's birthday too... :(

But I was thinking of him when I put in the 'forum' graphic (and was going to point it out in Pam's BDthread but didn't) that I use a lot, because I picked it with the idea it was representing Buck...


See him?


We're thinking of you today... as always.

[align=center]:bunnyangel: Happy Birthday, Buck!:bunnyangel:

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