in heat

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Mar 6, 2005
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Hi, I have a girl bunny who I hasn't been fixedyet. She has been trying to hump everything and has been going crazy.She has been like spraying pee as well. Is this a normal sign for aGIRL bunny? or a bunny in general...?
Are u sure its a doe? It sounds to me its a boybecause my bucks spray when they want to mate. Or when they smell agirl, and other rabbits. The doe you have might also smell somethingshe doesn't like so she is telling what ever it is that she was hereand not to mess with her. She also might want to be breed. When theyare in heat then she wants to be breed. This is kind of an unusuall fora doe rabbit. Bucks do this all the time.
You might want to breed her with a buck if she's old enough/ or check her private parts again to make sure she isn't a buck!

Cleo is making a point that may be valid, however it is not unknown for does to demonstrate all those behaviors after having reached puberty.

It is my understanding, though, that does do not come into periods of heat, but are induced to ovulation by the stimlus of the male. I'm not a breeder, so don't hold to the latter comment as gospel, eh?

one of my female bun has an attitude of a femalehypo! i got o pick her up and she sratches or tries to jumpand when i out her down she stapps her feet like an elephant! do youthink itsP.M.T? coz my other femal bun whois tehsame age doesnt do any of that!:ponder:
Some rabbits justdont like being picked up, I think it is because they areprey animals and being picked up scares them into thinking they arebeing eaten :(

Like I said I have some rabbits who couldcare less if I pick them up, and others throw a royal fit!


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