Well-Known Member
So many ofyou have become "pals" here on the forum and it seems like since thetragedy has occurred with BunnyMommy, I'm feeling obligated to notleave things unsaid. I'm not known for being short on words but I havesome information I'd like to share with you all and I will try to bequick about it. Most certainly most of you have heard all the hooplaabout West Nile Virus in the last couple of years. I think mosteveryone has. I also think most everyone blows off the warnings aboutit. Please Don't. I contracted West Nile one year ago this month. Iwent undiagnosed for two months and initially was in bed for two weekswith what was determined later to have been encephalitis (infection inthe brain) caused by West Nile. I could not speak, has seizures, aheadache that drove me out of my mind couldn't think or focus clearly,etc. I have some other extensive medical conditions and unfortunatelythe doctors mistook my symptoms for a medication problem. Therefore, Iwent untreated at the time. It wasn't until two months later when adifferent doctor got suspicious and did a blood test that we found outI had West Nile. In the year since my infection I have suffered withnearly daily migraine headaches, I have lost hearing in one side, Ihave tremors, lack of balance and coordination, short term memory loss,lack of concentration and a lesion on my brain. I was told yesterdaythat now, at twelve months out, I have probably recovered as much as Iever will. I'm not going to go into all the technical stuff about WestNile because there are a great many sources of info available thatwould be far better than me. However, let me say this. All my life I'vebeen an outdoor person. I garden, lake, swim, love animals, I just lovethe outdoors. I used mosquito repellent last summer. I NEVER REMEMBERHAVING A MOSQUITO BITE ALL SUMMER.
Moms, we are famous for not taking careof ourselves. I would never have let one of my children suffer as I didbefore I got them to a hospital. But Mom's always tend to tough it out.You must pay attention and take care of yourself. My children will payin different ways forever because of my limitations and disabilitiescaused by West Nile. My son and several of his teammates alsocontracted West Nile. I caught his right away!
Use repellent, watch for the symptoms andif in doubt get medical attention, and INSIST ON A BLOODTEST!
Moms, we are famous for not taking careof ourselves. I would never have let one of my children suffer as I didbefore I got them to a hospital. But Mom's always tend to tough it out.You must pay attention and take care of yourself. My children will payin different ways forever because of my limitations and disabilitiescaused by West Nile. My son and several of his teammates alsocontracted West Nile. I caught his right away!
Use repellent, watch for the symptoms andif in doubt get medical attention, and INSIST ON A BLOODTEST!