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Well-Known Member
May 24, 2004
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, , USA
So many ofyou have become "pals" here on the forum and it seems like since thetragedy has occurred with BunnyMommy, I'm feeling obligated to notleave things unsaid. I'm not known for being short on words but I havesome information I'd like to share with you all and I will try to bequick about it. Most certainly most of you have heard all the hooplaabout West Nile Virus in the last couple of years. I think mosteveryone has. I also think most everyone blows off the warnings aboutit. Please Don't. I contracted West Nile one year ago this month. Iwent undiagnosed for two months and initially was in bed for two weekswith what was determined later to have been encephalitis (infection inthe brain) caused by West Nile. I could not speak, has seizures, aheadache that drove me out of my mind couldn't think or focus clearly,etc. I have some other extensive medical conditions and unfortunatelythe doctors mistook my symptoms for a medication problem. Therefore, Iwent untreated at the time. It wasn't until two months later when adifferent doctor got suspicious and did a blood test that we found outI had West Nile. In the year since my infection I have suffered withnearly daily migraine headaches, I have lost hearing in one side, Ihave tremors, lack of balance and coordination, short term memory loss,lack of concentration and a lesion on my brain. I was told yesterdaythat now, at twelve months out, I have probably recovered as much as Iever will. I'm not going to go into all the technical stuff about WestNile because there are a great many sources of info available thatwould be far better than me. However, let me say this. All my life I'vebeen an outdoor person. I garden, lake, swim, love animals, I just lovethe outdoors. I used mosquito repellent last summer. I NEVER REMEMBERHAVING A MOSQUITO BITE ALL SUMMER.

Moms, we are famous for not taking careof ourselves. I would never have let one of my children suffer as I didbefore I got them to a hospital. But Mom's always tend to tough it out.You must pay attention and take care of yourself. My children will payin different ways forever because of my limitations and disabilitiescaused by West Nile. My son and several of his teammates alsocontracted West Nile. I caught his right away!

Use repellent, watch for the symptoms andif in doubt get medical attention, and INSIST ON A BLOODTEST!


Thank you, Raspberry, for reminding us all of the importance of this.

I too have a similar story, but with Lyme disease, which haspermanently left its mark on my body. Like Raspberry, I never rememberbeing bitten, and I never had the "tell tale" rash.

These are two diseases that can cause permanent and devastating damage,even death. Guard yourselves, and your children, before you ventureoutdoors.

Raspberry, im so sorry to hear that this happenedto you. I'm happy you're okay, and its awesome that you caught it inyour son. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I never knew WestNile could be that serious (then again, I hadn't heard much about it).
I had never heard a whole lot about Lymedisease, except for in school when they tell you it is caused by thetiny deer tick and to watch out for a bulls-eye rash.

When I was eleven, I started having severe and sudden joint pain in mywrists. It spread to my elbows, then my shoulders. If I moved my armthe wrong way, pain would shoot from my fingertips to my neck. Thedoctor said it was growing pains.

The pain soon spread to my legs, with my knees being the worstaffected. They hurt if I moved, if I didn't move, and the pain was sosevere I wanted to scream. But I've always had a high tolerance forpain, and they were just growing pains, so I ignored it.

Then came the lethargy. I was an active kid: mountain biking, hiking,swimming, roller blading. But now I had no energy to do any of it. Igained weight. "It must be lazyness". I failed gym, which in itself ishard to do, but I simply didn't have the strength to push myself for arun.

But what was happening to me was brushed off by doctors.

Two years passed; the spring after I turned 13, the symptoms got reallybad, and I started having nose bleeds and short term memory loss. Iflunked most of my classes. That summer, my immune sytem had become socompromised, I developed pneumonia. It was the middle of July. Walking,even on the beach, winded me. I had gone from being a kid who was fitand strong, to a kid whose body didn't want to cooperate.

That fall, I went in for a round of blood tests, and was diagnosed withLyme disease. I was given a two-week round of antibiotics, and notre-tested. I was "cured". And the symptoms did lessen....for awhile.

I'm almost 20 now, and over these last few years, the joint pain hascome back with avengeance. I've been to doctors, had blood drawn, testsrun: nothing, at least that they can see. It's simply become chronic:joint pain and exhaustion. It comes and goes, flare-ups can last forweeks. I cannot do high-impact activities (no sports, limitedexcercising). I'm a college student with the body of an 80-year old.

I say all this as a cautionary tale. Lyme disease is spreading like asilent epidemic, and most people will not realize they have it until itgets really bad. Like I said, I never got the rash, and many will not.And not everyone realizes that this can cause permanent damage, evendeath. Please protect yourselves and your children.

Wow Raspberry, that is so awful, andyou (and m.e.) are always so bright and cheerful, i wouldnever have guessed. We don't know much about West Nile Virushere in the UK, and fortunately we don't have it here, but I have beento America and Canada many times on vacation and seen the warningsthere - especially when we were in New England 2 years ago, which iswhen I first really took notice of it, but I didn't realise just howdevastating it can be. Thanks for warning us and I hope things do getbetter for you.

m.e. - is Lyme disease what is caused by ticks? I am almost phobicabout them as a few years ago I got bit by something in my arm. I justthought it was a normal insect bite and did nothing, but just keptsqueezing out the poison. One night, about 2 weeks later, I wassqueezing and a little spider-like creature came out of my arm. I tellyou, I could've died I was so disgusted, so now I watch out for bugsall over!

Take care, both of you - Jan
God Bless You Both for sharing the informationabout your illnesses and their effects on your life that that you'llendure for the rest of your lives.

When Raspberry Swirl first announced that her son is fighting in Iraq,I thought that was too much for one person to handle. When she laterhonored me by confiding in me about her disease, I couldn't imagine howshe was able to remain so positive and kind. (m.e., I can now say thesame thing to you.)

One day, Raspberry Swirl said to me that it meant so much for her tocome on this board because through all of her pain, fear, and theunknown diagnosis, this forum would always make her smile.

m.e., whom works at an animal shelter, also is another one who just gives and gives at the expense of her own pain as well.

I know I'm not supposed to question why things happen, but I repeatedlyhave been doing just that ever since I first had a heart-to-heart withRaspberry Swirl, then finding out Pamnock, bluebird, TrampNPigeon allhave immediate family members fighting overseas or are on their way,learning about m.e., and of course, our Poor Dear BunnyMommy.

There are others on this board who have just as devastating problemsand who come in here to feel a pick-up. I may be overprotective attimes with the members on this forum, but it's only because I care somuch and have gotten to know a few of you more personally than others.There are others on this board that are suffering from terminalillnesses, poverty levels to the extremes, and other things, yet mostof them are the most positive and loving people posting here.

Thank you for sharing this very important information, your personalexperiences, and feelings. I pray for you and your families, RaspberrySwirl, m.e, Pamnock, bluebird, and TrampNPigeon.

Your courage, strength, approach to life, and love is an example to all. Don't think it goes unnoticed.

Carolyn wrote:
GodBless You... for sharing the information about your illnessesand their effects on your life that that you'll endure for the rest ofyour lives....

There are others on this board who have just as devastating problemsand who come in here to feel a pick-up. I may be overprotective attimes with the members on this forum, but it's only because I care somuch and have gotten to know a few of you more personally than others.There are others on this board that are suffering from terminalillnesses, poverty levels to the extremes, and other things, yet mostof them are the most positive and loving people posting here.

Thank you for sharing this very important information, your personalexperiences, and feelings. I pray for you and your families, RaspberrySwirl, m.e, Pamnock, bluebird, and TrampNPigeon.

Your courage, strength, approach to life, and love is an example to all. Don't think it goes unnoticed.


Well said, Carolyn!

Boy -- it certainly makes me count my blessingswhen I hear of what others are going through. We all have somuch to be thankful for.

My prayers are with all my "Rabbits Only" family and you are all in my heart for the struggles you face daily.

It really helped to personalize everyone being able tosharepersonal photosand "meet" families.We are such an eclectic bunch, yet still have so much in common.

Much Love To All!!!!


I ve never heard off west nile. Can u get it in england?

That is truley amazin what u have coped with and I duno no if i could do the same. U r strong,brave and i admire u!

Luv lauren
Hey everyone,thanks for the kind thoughts and sympathetic words, but I don't wantthat to overshadow the reason for my post. I won't ramble on again, butplease use caution when you are outdoors and in areas where there aremosquitoes. Also,always seek medical attention if indoubt.
Raspberry Swirl and m.e.,

I can assure you that your important message about protecting yourselffrom the bugs outdoors has not gotten lost in the feelings we have foryour strength and comfort.

I think one of the most surprising and valid points you made was thatneither of you remember getting bitten. That's the scariest part ofall.

From your experiences, have you learned that some bug repellents are better than others and what would they be?

Good Lord, when I was a child, we had no worries of such things as WestNile, Lyme, etc. We'd play "Capture the Flag", "Kick the Can", and"Cowboys & Indians" in the woods for hours and our onlyworry was making sure you didn't twist your foot because you weren'twatching where you were running.

I don't know of many bug repellents thatwill keep away deer ticks, but I think the most important thing you cando is cover yourself up. When you go in the woods, for a hike orwhatnot, wear long pants with socks over the cuffs. Not a real fashionstatement, but it protects your legs. And check yourself over,thoroughly, after outdoor activities, especially after being inthe woods. Look for small brown dots, deer ticks are only the size ofthe period at the end of this sentance. If you see a tick, develop arash, or develop symptoms, contact a doctor ASAP. Lyme disease can becured if it is caught early on, and if treated immediately, most peoplewill spare themselves from chronic problems.

Thanks for the reply, m.e. Will do.

I've always been a little bug-phobic, butnowI know I have good reason. Thank you so much toraspberryswirrl, m.e., and luvabun for sharing your stories and givingus information on how to prevent these problems. I feel foryou and your families. Who would have thought that such alittle creature could do so much damage?

Emmits_mom wrote:
I've always been a little bug-phobic, but nowIknow I have good reason. Thank you so much toraspberryswirrl, m.e., and luvabun for sharing your stories and givingus information on how to prevent these problems. I feel foryou and your families. Who would have thought that such alittle creature could do so much damage?


And who would've thought that people with such positive outlooks and socaring could be so laid up and in pain. They certainly aren'tout there looking for sympathy or compassion or have an attitude of Wois Me, which makes me have it for them all the more.

RaspberrySwirl wrote:
shucks....? ?itwas nuthin'....

Baloney it was nothing! By sharing with the rest of us, you've guarded us.

That's not 'nothing'. It's a heck of a lot of something.


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