I'm worried about my rabbit's temper

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Dec 30, 2012
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He's 8 months old, a french lop, and I had him fixed back in October but I'm worried he and I might not be bonding very well. He's my first rabbit.
I've rarely been able to pick him up, he really hates it and kicks and bites and thrashes and scratches which makes it hard when I need to trim his nails. (the last time it took two people and he had to be wrapped tightly in a towel and afterwards he ran behind me and bit me)
Lately he's been very territorial even outside of his cage (I let him run around whenever I'm home, he's an indoor bunny). I'll walk within a few feet of where he's sitting and he'll sprint over and bite my ankle and grunt at me.
I don't know if this is a behavioral thing or if he's just an aggressive little bun. If you have any clues please help!
The whole 'not liking being picked up' thing isn't surprising, especially for a larger bun.

How do you react when he lunges and bites? When did he start the behavior?

Sorry you're having these problems :(
I usually jump away or flinch. Is there something I can do to calm him down when this happens?
you can try gently pressing his head down to the ground after he bites and/or lunges - that's how a momma bunny would discipline a kit, so he'll know what you mean.
You could also try treats to train him. Which ever method you use, you may want to have boots and gloves on so you don't need to worry about his biting you, so you don't flinch away? You don't want to reinforce his negative behavior by getting out of his way when he acts like that.
I agree with what others have posted.

It could be that he sees you as a threat from having tried to hold him before. It sounds like he may be either frightened or asserting dominance in his territory (or both). To try to reverse this, you can do a few things. For sure, as others already said, firmly put his head down when he tries to lunge or bite. Also, try ignoring him when he's out loose. Don't try to approach him or pet him. Let him get used to you all over again. He needs to un-learn the past and start viewing you as non-threatening. You could also eventually try sitting on the floor with a few small treats to offer when he comes near. That should definitely help him associate you with pleasant things!

I have one bun now that just refuses to be held period. She's by far more difficult with that than any other I've had. I take her to a rescue I've known for years to get her nails trimmed (that way I'm not the "bad guy.") Even they were surprised out how un-handle-able she is.

That said, she absolutely loves to be pet while she's firmly on the floor. She'll crawl all over me to get her treats too. I don't try to hold her. She even has a certain place and pose she assumes when she wants her lovins.

I know it must be frustrating. French lops look so snuggly, cuddly. Be patient with him and he should come around.
A lot of bunnies don't like being picked up and they can get aggressive as it's the only way they can say 'I don't like that it scares me'. They can also start turning the aggression on when they think you might be thinking about picking them up as a pre-emptive strike.

Try stopping picking him up and instead make friends and gradually introduce the concept of being handled: http://www.therabbithouse.com/behaviour/problem-picking-rabbit-up.asp

Also, you need to stop reacting to the aggression, I recommend some wellington boots or similar so if he attacks your ankles you can not react so he learns that aggression doesn't work. At the moment you back off so he knows he can make you do that any time he wants by doing it again: http://www.therabbithouse.com/behaviour/problem-aggressive-rabbit.asp

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