I'm so jealous

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2006
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Queens, New York, USA
I'm the mommy of my two bunnies...i clean theirroom, i feed them, i give them toys, i pet them, i take care of themevery single day....and yet, do i get leaps of joy and binkies when iwalk into their bedroom when i get out of work....no! BUTwhen my bf entered the room today, granted he hadnt seen my bunnies inawhile, but what kind of treatment did he receive?....leaps andcircling and binkies and begging for pets...WHAT THE HECK?what am i doing wrong? why dont i get thistreatment? do they love him more than me????
The best answer I can give on that is never takea bunnies' reactions too personally... they are just temperamental.That's all. Most rabbits get an attitude at one time or another, somemore than others.

Theodore often reminds me of happy bunny




That pretty much sums up the attitude he has about every other day. Idon't take it personally - that's just how he is. I know he loves me.If he's not giving me the butt, he will show his love.
It's really funny that you mentionthis. I also am the sole caregiver of my rabbit. Myroommate likes him but never really gives him any attention.However, whenever she gets home or comes out of her room, JJ binkiesand jumps around. I've determined that my rabbit thinks of meas the boring mom but thinks of my roommate as the exciting--if notintimidating--older sister.
ilovetegocalderon wrote:
I'm the mommy of my two bunnies...i clean their room, i feedthem, i give them toys, i pet them, i take care of them every singleday....and yet, do i get leaps of joy and binkies when i walk intotheir bedroom when i get out of work....no! BUT when my bfentered the room today, granted he hadnt seen my bunnies in awhile, butwhat kind of treatment did he receive?....leaps and circling andbinkies and begging for pets...WHAT THE HECK? what am i doingwrong? why dont i get this treatment? do they lovehim more than me????

***hint hint*** Let your bf clip their nails next time.;)
JimD wrote:
ilovetegocalderon wrote:
I'mthe mommy of my two bunnies...i clean their room, i feed them, i givethem toys, i pet them, i take care of them every single day....and yet,do i get leaps of joy and binkies when i walk into their bedroom when iget out of work....no! BUT when my bf entered the room today,granted he hadnt seen my bunnies in awhile, but what kind of treatmentdid he receive?....leaps and circling and binkies and begging forpets...WHAT THE HECK? what am i doing wrong? whydont i get this treatment? do they love him more thanme????

***hint hint*** Let your bf clip their nails next time.;)
HAHA. That's a good idea! no buton a serious note - i really would like to know, does that mean theyhave more love and affection for him? do they not know thatim the caretaker and that everything i do is for theirbenefit?
do they not know that imthe caretaker and that everything i do is for their benefit?
Honestly, no. They don't. As intelligent andpersonable as rabbits are, they do not think they way we do.Try explaining to Mocha that Benebac and nail trims are for herbenefit- it's not going to work. Trust me, I've tried.:?

But I do second the motion that your bf help with nail trims.I'll even give you the excuse I use- it's so much easier and lessstressful on the bun to have one person hold the bun while the othercuts.:D
LOL - thanks but i dont think it would doniether of us any good if my bunnies hated both of usand weboth got this treatment::bunnybutt:

at least one of us makes them happy now.....sadly its just not me :tears2:
nose_twitch wrote:
It's really funny that you mention this. I also amthe sole caregiver of my rabbit. My roommate likes him butnever really gives him any attention. However, whenever shegets home or comes out of her room, JJ binkies and jumpsaround. I've determined that my rabbit thinks of me as theboring mom but thinks of my roommate as the exciting--if notintimidating--older sister.
I think this is a really good point. Maybe this is what isgoing on, Ilovetegocalderon. They know that you pay attentionto them, but your bf's attention is less common so they feel they haveto work for it.
I guess it's kind of like, would you rather hangout with you mom? Or your very cool aunt that doesn't come to visitvery often? Your rabbit loves you, but it probably just excited to seea new face :)