I wanted to share with you something I went through...
My x husband, before we were married wanted to do something nice for me for x-mas. We used to wander through the pet stores in the mall by us, and I would always coo over the puppies and kittens. Never bought them for many reasons, but I loved seeing the animals, hated seeing them in the stores.
He decided to get one of the pups for me. She was Sheba Inu. We simply called her Sheba. She was cute as could be. I was upset with him at first for getting her because I don't really believe in getting pets from stores. All my animals at that point had come from the aspca, shelters...except the some of the birds I had had..
Either way..she was now mine. She had a world of medical issues and was pretty nutty. She was beyond hyper, hard to control, would run away if she got the chance.
Classes did not help her, and it became very difficult.
At one point, he had to take her to his parents because the apt we had was infested with swarming termites. (that really sucked).
By than we had a second pup, a mixed rotty that had come from the aspca. Sweet as could be..named Mischif. They got along alright.
We had finaly gotten Sheba a special collar (with tags) because of how she ran away all the time. Was called a roll collar. Would help prevent her getting caught on something. Well, she got out again one night, we searched everywhere we could for her. I myself zipped around on a go cart with flash light tapped to it all along the frozen lake trying to follow her prints. We never found her that night.
As we were getting ready to put up posters for her that day, we got a call back from one of the shelters we had called earlier on to see if anyone had found her.
It turned out she was found on a road not far from our home. She had been shaking and laying in the middle of it. We think she had been hit, but the vet said she was ok. It took her awhile to get back to normal, and she never really did seem herself after that night. Jason had spent over 2000 just buying her and god knows how much we spent on the vet, the classes and all sorts of stuff.
In the end we agreed she needed more than we could offer her. We found a family that had four kids and a massive, WELL gated back yard.
I kept in touch for awhile and she did very well there. Either she couldn't find a way to run, or she didn't want to...but she seemed happy.
I miss her every now and again as I do all the animals I have come to know and love through out my life...but I still wish at times that Jason had never gotten her.
I wish you well in whatever you do...and I do feel for all the animals left in those stores...but I hope you are careful...and think, there could be a pom waiting in a shelter for you somewhere that needs you a little more..