im really worried about lucy

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2005
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NEWCASTLE, , United Kingdom
hi all

um worrid about lucy

she feels as if she has lost a lot of weight around her neck and i can feel her spine again

she is eating but when i give her her food she isnt eating it till really late on

varna xxxx

If you really think she is loosing weight youcould try giving her oats and alfalfa hay (very fattening). But if youthink it is weight loss because of a sickness I would bring her to thevets :) You could also weigh her and track her weight for a couple ofdays, and see if anything changes.

I'm actually having the same problem with Elvis,in regards to his eating that is. He hasn't lost any weight,but he doesn't eat like he used to. I'm going to try givinghim some Nutrical to see if that gets him eating. Sage haslost some weight, but my vet couldn't find anything wrong with him, hespills his pellets out of the bowl, so I'm working on fixingthat. I'm giving him Nutricaland oats to help withthe weight loss.

I would try Nutrical, get the kind for dogs,and maybe someoats to see if that would help. A worming might be necessaryas well. But I would consult your vet before worming in casethat would make it worse.

she seems ok inherself but saying that she has looked abit depresssed lately

i live in the uk i dont no if i can get nutrical over here

if not do you no the name of it in the uk

varna xxxx
I was going to say the same thing as Jen about NutriCal, Varna. It would help increase her appetite.

Has the weather changed lately? We've gone into Springtemperatures over here and my rabbits appetite has decreased aswell. Changes in the weather can stress them a bit.Don't know if you guys turn your clocks ahead an hour in the spring andback in the fall, but we just did that here and that could even effecttheir systems. It does my own.

How are her bathroom habits? How's her activitylevel? Does she seem sleepy a lot? Is sheitching?

Vickie - DaisyNBuster, knows of what theequivolent to NutriCal is over there in the UK. Send her aprivate message, she'll tell you.

Have you noticed any bald spots on her?

lucylocket wrote:
she seems ok inherself but saying that she has looked abit depresssed lately

i live in the uk i dont no if i can get nutrical over here

if not do you no the name of it in the uk

varna xxxx

Nutriplus is the UK equivilent of Nutri-Cal.

Try a few sprigs of parsley, too.
it has been since that canural ear drops its just her neck seems really scrawney now and thin

i dont think ive noticed any bald patches

varna xxxx

im really worried
Varna :

Hon have you checked her teeth?maybe from not eatinggood her teeth are getting a bitlong? I cant remember with outlooking has she had wry neck ?

oh bother i have to go back and check.
Varna I would recommed getting some ScienceRecovery sachets or if you manage to get hold of that Nutriplus thenthat. Vets sell Science recovery for about 65p a sachet and ifNutriplus is availalbe over here then the vet would sell that also.

I don't know about in Newcastle but we have had some really bad thunderstorms this past couple of days. Alyssa was crying before at thethought of Daisy and Buster being outside in it. It never bothers themthough and they are covered overbut Snowy gets reallyfrigtened even though he is inside. I have to keep the telly and thelights on to calm him down. It could be that. When did you notice herweight loss?

Make sure she is still drinking plenty. If in doubt then give your veta ring and see what he says. I hope she is ok. Keep us posted.

Love Vickie x
Has she been scratching at all?
My Checkers - who even though she ate like a HORSE - started loosingweight, and was scratching alot. She had a bad case of Fur Mites, thatI didn't pick up on very quickly (a bit dense, I was)until her furstarted falling out!!. The good thing was - I treated her for themites, and the scratching stopped immediately after the first treatment- and she really needed to lose some weight anyway(she was a bitplump). She lost a couple of pounds that made her feel better with herrespiratory problems.

It may just be a seasonal "depression". Is she going thruougha molt? Has she been on any medications recently?

I would look at your local pet store for a high calorie supplement fordogs, cats, or ferrets. You can give any of those to Lucy.

Were you able to find the Nutriplus?

The Nutri-Cal I gave Brindle sure made a big difference in the way she acted and it improved her appetite, too.