I'm Picking Up Rabbit Breeding

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Bramble Briar86

Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2004
Reaction score
Honey Bun's Hangout, Illinois, USA
Well, all seven of my buns went to fair, i'mshowing four, and i'm giving away all five of the babies, i gave oneaway and am still looking for homes for the other four during the lastthree days of the fair....that said, i'm only keeping Bramble andBriar, and am looking for a breeding pair of ______(not quite sure,i'll see what's for sale after the judging tomorrow, hopefully a meatbreed)...

I'll be thinking of farm names for my little "operation" and hope thati find a good breeding pair that compliments each other well, i'll bebreeding them each year and selling the babies, for meat, pets orshowing prospects........am seriously thinking of getting Black Satins,there's a lot this year....so, hopefully all goes to plan....if anyonecould tell me how to look for solid conformation to help the betterthis breed or others, it would be appreciated, thanks!

Ellie :D
Oh Ellie, I am so thrilled for you. Iknow it must have been hard saying goodbye to those gorgeous babies.Hopefully you will send their new moms and dads here so we can thelittle beauties.

I know you will do awesome in becoming a breeder. I can't waitto hear and see*hint hint* what breed you decide on. I amjust so happy for you.



B&B Ranch just a thought lol

Bramble Briar86 wrote:
if anyone could tell me how to look for solidconformation to help the better this breed or others, it would beappreciated, thanks!

Ellie :D

The easiest way to explain good conformation is by the comparison ofrabbits to show you the good and bad points. Perhaps someoneat the fair or the judge can show you proper posing and evaluation.

Basically, the Satin needs to be deep and smooth. The fleshshould be firm and the loin wide and deep. When the rabbit isproperly posed, you want to see "roundness" from every view -- thereshould be any angles or flat planes.

The depth of the rabbit should balance with the width. To getthe idea of the proper shape/depth of the rabbit when viewed frombehind, draw a line 3 inches wide, then mark a point 3 inches above themiddle of thatline. Connect the ends of the line,intersecting the point above the line and you'll have drawn a shapethat is like 1/2 of an oval. This is the pleasing balancethat we want to see in a rabbit (not 1/2 of a circle where the diameteracross would be double the depth measurement -- that rabbit wouldappear flat).

The icing on the cake is a dense coat with that fantastic sheen!

We raise holland lops, and when we firstpurchased a couple, they were of very poor type. One of the firstthings we did was by the ARBA standards book, which gave us some ideaof what our rabbits were suppose to look like.

However, that book, although very helpful, didnt really allow us topicture what a good holland lop should look like. So we startedattending some rabbit shows, and watching the rabbits that wereplacing. This allowed us to take what was in that book, andreally see it in a practical and visual way.

We then started talking to some of the breeders who had good rabbitsand got their insite on various aspects of the breed. When we considerbuying another rabbit we will often have one of the friends we've metalong the way, check the rabbit with us.

One of the greatest pieces of advice that we received is to work ononly one trait at a time. You may have rabbits with several areas thatare weak. Only look to improve one of those areas at a time. Once, thatweakness has been corrected, look to move on to another area. We hadhollands that were weak in the shoulders, and crown. We started byworking on the shoulders, which we have now improved in our herd, andare now working on the crown.
I would get a current issue of the standard ofperfection, and breed your rabbits to that. It would probably be a goodidea to breed at least twice a year. That way your does don't gosterile. :) everyone else pretty much explained everything else. Oh andbe careful when it comes to buyers. Some are gonna be good, and otherswont. Always offer a take back policy if things don't work out withthem. :)
And the breed IS........
HOLLAND LOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yup,i got a very NICE buck today....get this, FORFREE!!! I had someone appraise it (sp?) stud and it had almost nofaults........it was picked up at a shelter and was being given awayfor free, the doe i looked at, i told them i'd get too, later, i hadthe same person appraise her, she is thin, has a large tumor and isdieing, no way i'm taking the poor dear, wouldn't be good for a brooddoe and we can't pay for the surgery........i'll have to give her backsometime......

The bucks name is Moe (i named him) and i desperatly need a doeso i can breed for next year's fair, if you know of one that hasexcellent confirmation for a brood doe please PM me or reply here forthe shipping costs and whether or not i can see detailed pictures anddescriptions of her.

I also bought a new cage today and will be coming home w/ fivebuns....B and B and Dally and Lilac (proved well in showing, placedfirst.....Apollo was given to a good home, and is keeping hisname....he placed first as well....didn't do well at all in best ofclass) HAD A BLAST AND LEARNED LOADS!

Bramble Briar86 wrote:
And the breed IS........
HOLLAND LOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats on the decision and on getting the free buck. I lovemy Holland - but I've been told they are one of the harder breeds tohave success with - I'm not sure how true that is.

I'm sure you'll do great - be sure to share baby pictures when you have babies!

TinysMom wrote:
Bramble Briar86 wrote:
And the breed IS........
HOLLAND LOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats on the decision and on getting the free buck. I lovemy Holland - but I've been told they are one of the harder breeds tohave success with - I'm not sure how true that is.

I'm sure you'll do great - be sure to share baby pictures when you have babies!

I'll definitly share pictures! Moe gave me three kisses in the fiveminutes i held him! He's such a ham......here's the letter i'm going topin on the cage that i had thought of getting the doe from:


I’m sorry to say that I won’t be able to take the Holland doe, uponinspection by a good friend of mine, we figured out she has a tumor, wewon’t be able to pay for her surgery and she won’t make a good brooddoe, as she may be cross bred (looks) or pass on the gene for thetumor. Sorry to have to “back out” on you. I’m still interested in theHolland buck and will be willing to pay the five dollars if you decideto charge for him….I’ll be back later this evening probably to pick upthe buck, Moe, as I call him.

Thanks a Bunch!

That sounds like a good explanation about the doe. It's too bad she's sick.

Congrats on Moe! I hope he does well for you. He sounds like a sweetie.

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