Welcome! Personally, I suggest you check out the house rabbit society website
www.rabbit.org, and start looking for a reliable,knowledgeble vet for your rabbits. Not all vets are competent when it comes to bunnies, so get in line for agoodone who knows his/her stuff!
Be ready to give your buns at least 3 hours of free running around time every day! They will certainly appreciate it, and become closer to you. Bored smart bunnies misbehave like crazy, so check out the forum for good tips on toys and games for them. The more enrichment, the better!
Will you be neutering/spaying your buns for permanent house pets , or will they be sold later on this year (we don't have4H where I'm from :?)? If you're going the neuter/spay route, be sure tofigure out quick which bunnies are male and female, or you will haveLOADS of babies!
Ok, that's information overload :welcome1