I'm nervous...is something wrong?

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Apr 22, 2005
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For the past 24-48 hours, Olive has been actinga little strange. She is 4 months old and a very sweet, cuddly bunny.None of that has changed, although for the past couple of days she'sbeen acting even moreso...she doesn't struggle when we try to pick herup (and although she loves being held, she tries to jump out of ourarms when we pick her up normally). She hasn't been playingmuch in her cage, usually we hear her tossing around her toys andscurrying about. None of that lately. When we dohold her, she will stay in one place on our laps forhours....literally. She won't try to move or get away at ALL.

But what is making me nervous is that when I do pick her up or put heron my lap on her back (she LOves being on her back for her belly rubs),I hear a 'crinkling' noise inside of her... its the strangest sound, itsounds sort of like tissue paper but crispy tissue paper. Sheisn't crying or acting like she's in pain. I have never noticed thisnoise before ..

When we do go to her cage just even to pet her, she squeeks a littlebit which isn't a noise i have heard her make often. Shereally isn't eating so much either. She has, however, beenhaving bowel movements normally.

Anyone have any ideas/suggestions as to what is going on with her?
Thanks you all... i am worried about this little girl...
I forgot to mention that her poops have a Skunkysmell to them as well, or at least her bottom has a skunkysmell...i'mnot suer if thats normal or not.

Could she perhaps have gas?? I'm honestly not sure, but that may explain the strange noise, like air pockets inside her...
Is she pooping, peeing and eating in otherwise than a "normal" means for her? Any deviation from her norm leaves room for circumspection.

Rabbit Production, Eighth Edition, a solid rabbit husbandry source says,

The classic symptoms of mucoid enteropathy are jelly-like stools coming from a sick rabbit. The rabbit drinks large quantities of water, will not eat, and wastes away over a period of several days. The sick rabbit often grinds its teeth, making an unique noise. It also exhibits the "water bottle" sound if picked up and shaken. The temperature is usually subnormal....... pg.212.

Perhaps, some or all of these symptoms apply. In any case I believe a visit to the vet is imperative.


I can't help but feel that she needs tobe seen by a rabbit savvy vet. Two days with little to no physicalactivity is never a good thing. The fact that their butt smells isanother concern. Not sure about the noise. I would get her seen as soonas possible. Until she can be seen giving her some Nutrical definitelycouldn't hurt. Plenty of hay too.

I don't know much about rabbits .. only what Iwent through with Felix .. and his tummy made a funny noise when pickedup when he was ill ... I agree with Tina, best get her to thevet. (His poo smelt sweetish/oddtoo!)

Let us know how you get on please.
OlivesMum wrote:
She isn't crying or acting like she's in pain.

Rabbits hide their pain, so you probably wont see her cry or make anysad noises, but wouldn’t it really help if they did make noise :)

I agree with the other people that have said "You should bring her tothe Vet" but make sure the vet knows what he/she is doing, always calland ask if they treat rabbits on a regular basis :)


More details on the noise would be veryhelpful. I think a "crinkling" noise would be related tobreathing. Rabbits with mucoid enteropathy generally have a"sloshy" belly.


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