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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2008
Reaction score
Auckland, , New Zealand
okay everyone, i am in a bad mood and the bunnies are driving me NUTS.
With exams for highschool next year all coming up, my dad bossing me around as if im 5! mum going crazy, my sister freaking out about uni, my other sister just omg i dnt know. etc etc etc etc etc. The bunnies just have to act this way! ruining the vynil flooring we just got for their condo recently, spilling their whole flipping food bowl! litter training gone down the drain, ripping the wall paper, peeing on the carpet, peeing in their food bowl, chewing their drink bottle! the list goes on. right now i really need to chill and share this with someone eeeeeeeeeergh.

im under so much stress at the moment.. i have had a mental break down at school and crying on my sister's shoulder.

what the heck am i suppose to do!!!!!!! eeeeeergh.... its not that i dont love the bunnies, oh boy i LOVE Toula and Lou to BITS , im just under so much stress that i cant cope at the moment. i have to go lie down i think i will burst a vein.

I feel like such a brat.

p.s i just needing to write this down and get it out of my sistem for the thrid time today.

Prisca Lorenza
Okay, your not online so I will write it here :)

Can you put Toula and Lou outside in their run becuase then it won't matter if they go to the toilet outside their litter tray becuase it will be outside.

Then have a really relaxing bath, listen to some nice music and then. When your ready then you can start sorting out the mess the bunnies have made.

Thats just what I would do but anyway :)

PM Box is open for you

It always seems that everything always has to happen all at once...

However, I suggest that instead of seeing the bunnies as causing trouble at the moment, you try and see them this way instead: those bunnies, they love you unconditionally. And when you're down, or stressed or whatever, there probably isn't anyone in the world who would let you scoop them up and cry in their fur for as long as the bunnies would. Plus, I don't think there is anything that could get me out of a foul mood quicker than a silly bunny who is binky-happy. Consider locking yourself up in your room, put some nice music on, let the bunnies out, and let them entertain you and you'll see, you'll probably be in a much better mood afterwards. :biggrin2:Hugs to you, I hope everything works out soon.
Thanks becca and miss binky.

Its all a bit better now.
last night i calle dmy friend on her cell really late at night and she didnt mind at all and i talked (and cried) but she understood. sadly she's moving to wellington soon so :(

gtg bunnies making more mess.

cyaz =]

Prisca L
MissBinky wrote:
, there probably isn't anyone in the world who would let you scoop them up and cry in their fur for as long as the bunnies would.

hahaha i wish lol Toula and Lou isnt those kinda bunnies they are more of the happy, crazy, runing like wild, like-theres-no-tomrow- kinda bunny lol.

Plus, I don't think there is anything that could get me out of a foul mood quicker than a silly bunny who is binky-happy. . well thats true ;)

Hey Mylovables, if you get one of those really heavy ceramic food bowls from the pet store then your rabbits won't be able to flip it over. That is what my rabbit did for a long time and then eventually I had to do that. Also, try putting some things that they can chew on hanging from the wires of the cage. That way if they are bored they will have something to do. And some wood things (gotta check if they are safe for bunnies) for them to chew on too that really helps if they are bored. And if you have a cardboard box, cut some door and window holes in them and let them play in it and and explore. Doesn't have to be anything fancy. I found one that was small enough and I put it in their cage. They loved it!

MyLOVEABLES!! wrote:
okay everyone, i am in a bad mood and the bunnies are driving me NUTS.
With exams for highschool next year all coming up, my dad bossing me around as if im 5! mum going crazy, my sister freaking out about uni, my other sister just omg i dnt know. etc etc etc etc etc.
Dont ask, I just live here!

The bunnies just have to act this way! ruining the vynil flooring we just got for their condo recently,

If you can get to a stationary store, get some of those strip things they use to keep papers together on the edges, they are really cheap to replace and hard to chew.

spilling their whole flipping food bowl!

Casper has started to do this, so I got a parrot bowl and attached it to the side of the cage, one like this:

Or this:

and now he can't tip it up.

litter training gone down the drain,

What bedding are you using?

ripping the wall paper,

Again, if you can get some, either cardboard or thin sheets of wood behind the cage against the wall will sort this out.

peeing on the carpet,

Tell me about it! :? I am lucky to have linoleum flooring in my room and there is laminated wood flooring everywhere else in the house and for the cage I use plain plastic, CJ had one accident (and remember, he is an un-neutered male) on the plastic at first but now (knock on wood) he uses his litter box all the time, even goes back to his cage to go to the toilet!

peeing in their food bowl,

See about about the parrot bowls

chewing their drink bottle!

Bowls! they make less noise aswell :D

the list goes on. right now i really need to chill and share this with someone eeeeeeeeeergh.

im under so much stress at the moment.. i have had a mental break down at school and crying on my sister's shoulder.

what the heck am i suppose to do!!!!!!! eeeeeergh.... its not that i dont love the bunnies, oh boy i LOVE Toula and Lou to BITS , im just under so much stress that i cant cope at the moment. i have to go lie down i think i will burst a vein.

I feel like such a brat.

p.s i just needing to write this down and get it out of my sistem for the thrid time today.

Prisca Lorenza
Hope this helps and sorry you are going through a hard time **hugs**.

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