I'm going to babysitting a bunny who everone wants to eat

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2006
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Queens, New York, USA
My co-worker who knows im a bunny lover was telling me about her friend who rescued a bunny that her brother bought from a pet shop to feed his snake. (its an all black holland or mini lop). The woman rescued it from that fate and has been keepign the bunny locked up in a cage while trying to find a home for it. The first person who shetried to give it to said they would take it so she started packing the hay, food, etc. and he says "oh i dont need that stuff, im gonna eat it!" same thing happened with the second person. She's going on vacation saturday and needs someone to baby sit the bunny so i said i would do it for the 2 weeks. My co-worker is gonna pick it up and bring it in to work and then after work i will take her home. Chances are that i will fall in love with it and keep it, but who knows...im sure my fiance wont be too happy.....we will see though. im really excited as i've always wanted a lop. the rabbit's name is penelope. any suggestions on how to keep her calm and not freak out during all this traveling tomorrow?? at least if nothing else, it will get plenty of play time in the 2 weeks its with me as it only stays locked up in a cage and never let out in its current home.
ohhhhh black lop, I love black lops. Jordi just freezes when she's out in her carrier and Wesley is looking around checking out the scene. It all really depends on the personality. Make sure she's comfortable and has hay and water. I would bring her home as soon as you can, can you go home at lunch?

I'm so excited for you! Can't wait to see pics.

I really hope she comes home with you forever ;).
I'd never sell my rabbits unless to a good friend for that reason.

Hmm I'm not sure. Maybe ask for an old sweater or something for the bun? I know when I went away for a day to visit my cousin and had to leave Pepsi I left a sweater that smelt like me in her cage. She didn't seem to mind me leaving and my mom said she stayed on the sweater most of the time I was gone.

It'll probably adjust fairly quickly to you :).
jordiwes wrote:
ohhhhh black lop, I love black lops. Jordi just freezes when she's out in her carrier and Wesley is looking around checking out the scene. It all really depends on the personality. Make sure she's comfortable and has hay and water. I would bring her home as soon as you can, can you go home at lunch?

I'm so excited for you! Can't wait to see pics.

I really hope she comes home with you forever ;).
Unfortanetly i cant take her home during lunch. My house is 45 minutes via subway train. So I'll have to wait til the end of the day but i'll keep checking up on her throughout the day.

I'll try and get some pics for you guys too.
Well im at work now and my co-worker brought in Penelope. She is all jet black with little white paws and her floppy ears are so adorable. I can't wait til 5:30 when I can take her home!
Well right now she's in the carrier cage in my co-workers office. We had let her out earlier this morning and she didnt seem to stressed or anything, just curious. She wasnt too happy when i put her back in the carrier - scratched me to pieces!!:?
Bramble Briar86 wrote:
Aww, poor baby, she must be so scared. She sounds really cute!

Pictures soon?:D

Ellie and the Buns
I'm gonna try but it's really hard on my work computer but I will be taking some pics and hopefully i can get on someone elses computer to post it. She is really gorgeous. I have a feeling im going to fall in love with her and keep her for good. (much to the dismay of my fiance) hehehe - oh geez, this means ill have 4 rabbits!!! I'm gonna need a bigger apartment! maybe ill give my bedroom to the rabbits and take the rabbit room as my bedroom.....?????

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