I'm freaking out

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Is it normal for her to be like spread out with her hips far apart, I figured it's cause it hurts still so maybe she's trying to not let it touch the floor or something?
My rabbit did the same thing, she layed weirdly on the floor. I think it feels good to them and takes pressure off Of them or something. I just let my bunny lay how she wanted.
It's good they didn't use stitches. Mine didn't either and the incision was seamless.
I'm glad to hear she is back and doing well :))
I haven't seen her drink yet, but she ate some greens and had some hay and she's chewing on her paper towel tube, she moves around occasionally, mostly she just lays down though.
I think she peed a bit and she pooped but it's all clumped together and mushy is that normal after a spay?
Yea it takes a little bit for everything to get back to normal. Sounds like she's doing well
Didn't your vet tell you? Normally, the vet does an injection of pain meds after the operation. It lasts 24h. Then you give the metacam once a day.
If you have any doubt about this, call the vet.

If she's eating and eliminating, it's good. It's normal for her to feel bad - I can testify than just a general anesthesia can make you feel pretty ill, so combined with having your belly opened and your ovaries removed, it's completely normal for her to hurt a bit and to want to not move too much for now. Aki stayed hidden under my bed for hours when we came back from the vet and she wouldn't let anyone touch her hindquarter for weeks (even when I put her back with her husbunny, she wouldn't let him anywhere near the area for quite some time).
Just leave her alone while monitoring the food and litterbox as you've been doing, so she can relax, sleep, and get that the experience was a one off. She should be back to normal in a few days.
Yeah my vet gave me two days of pain meds and she seems to be doing really well, she's alert, fairly active, happy, she ate some and poop and peed.
If she is showing you signs she is in pain, I would give it to her. If she isn't than I wouldn't give it to her.
I mean she like like it hurts her but she dosnt see to be to bothered by it.
She hasn't eaten any pellets but she has eaten sone hay and greens and drank some water.
Yeah I think she's doing pretty good she's eating some,drinking some and she peed once and pooped a bit.
Yesterday when she pooped it was normal sized and now today I found some and it was tiny.
Hi so I just set up a vet appointment for Saturday morning to get Iris spayed and I'm freaking out, I've just heard all these horror stories about rabbits dying while getting spayed or after coming home there personality is different and they are vicious and or just not the same and I just need people to talk with me about this being a good thing cause I know I should get her spayed because it can prolong her life and keep her from getting cancer and other diseases but I'm just so scared this is my first rabbit I've ever spayed and I have taking my pets to this vet many times and no problems but I'm just worried I guess about what could happen.
All I know is that I have had 3 male rabbits neutered at the animal hospital I use and it is quite straight forward. They don't "castrate" them, it is more like a vasectomy; it takes less than an hour. However, when I said I wanted a female to be spayed, it was a much bigger deal. They have to take a blood sample - to see if she can undergo the operation, I have to fill in a form of consent for which I won't hold them responsible if she doesn't make it (not needed with the male rabbits), she has to be in overnight and lastly it is twice the cost. In the end, I decided against it. She had one litter when she was a few months old; she is almost 5 years old now and my 3 males are all neutred and she is fine.
Iris is doing good, she's eating pellets,greens and hay, she's drinking and chewing on her chew toys, even pushing her fav stuffed cat around and she is pooping and peeing normally and her incision looks good not to red or swollen and she doesn't seem to be in to much pain and she always comes over to whoever comes in the room and I know it's only day three of her 2 weeks of not being able to come out of her cage, but I'm happy with her progress thus far.

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