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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2004
Reaction score
Apollo's Acres, Virginia, USA
Hello!For those of you who know me-I'm back and missed ya'll terribly. Ican't wait to get caught up.

For those of you who may notknow who I am I will introduce myself. My name is Tina. I am happilymarried to the man of my dreams Dale. We have a 10 year old son namedJer. I am currently owned by an awesome white Flemish Giant male namedApollo. We think he is the most awesome bunny alive but we are also alittle biased lol.

I look forward to talking toall of you. I will post some pictures of Apollo sometime thisweek.

Welcome Back!!!! We have missed you and yourApollo stories immensely! Have you gone camping with him lately? To aball game? :) Elf is a frequent visitor at my son's baseball games now,all thanks to you! :D So glad to see you "home."
Warmest Welcome Back, Dear Heart,

God Lord, :shock: I've missed you in here.

I'm overjoyed you're back.



Welcome back!! I wasn't here whenyou've posted in the past, but I have seen pictures of Apollo when Iwas going through some of the old pages. He isbeautiful! :D


SO HAPPY TO HAVE YOU BACK HERE!!!!... We've missed you so much and speak of you frequently!!!!!!!!!!

WELCOME, WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!...



/bunny hugs and kisses

WELCOME HOME Dajeti2 and Apollo, so happy to see you again and now for the pictures...bring them on!!

Wonders never cease! Just missed youwhen you popped in and out of the chat! It was like seeing aghost appear!

So glad to hear you, the family, and Apollo are back! We missed ya, KIddo! More than you know, I suspect.


OK, enough of the fluff, Tina.

Change your font color to black because us older folk can't read it and it gives some of us a headache.


Where's my compliments on Cali?? :X

It is sooooo good tobe back. Thank you all for your kind words. I tried to get into thechat but it wouldn't let me in. I'll have to work on that.

I missed ya'll so much more than you know.I can't wait to see what everyone's bunnies have been up to and gettinginto lol.



You have to have Java enabled to get to chat.

I do. It said I was done but the sun thing justkept going around in a circle. I almost cried I was so frustrated. I amgoin to keep trying though.

dajeti2 wrote:
..I tried to get into the chatbut it wouldn't let me in. I'll have to work on that.

But, you were in. I saw your name come up in the chat windowas having joined, and then before I could finish typing my hello, thewindow just as quickly said you had left.

Now your typestill has a too large appearanceand like it's in bolden.


Jeremy is doing fine and growing like a weed. Ihave to get a picture of him and Apollo together. They are both hugelol. The chat thing never showed up on my end, just the rotating sun.I'm not sure what's wrong but will try and fix the problem. It wasreally frustrating.


HaHa! Ernest is Ernestine, but that is another story! She's here in the room as I type.

After telling Carolyn that Ernestine had all the pesonality of a brick,sweet but dumb and dense, she must have taken the criticism toheart. She now responds to treats, Loftiesparticularly, can be enticed into her cage by them , willtake them from my hand and from between my lips when I'm on thefloor. She also does all sorts of wiggle waggle dances for mewhen I talk to her and will traipse around me in circles declaring herundying love for me.

All within about three days. No bruxing(chucking, tooth purring), nor kisses, yet, though.

dajeti2 wrote:
I do. It said I was done but the sun thing just kept goingaround in a circle. I almost cried I was so frustrated. I am goin tokeep trying though.


No Tears. We'll work it out.



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