I'm back with you folks

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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
Leeds, , United Kingdom
Today is my first day back on this site after at least two months away.

I've missed you folks but as many of you know my life was rathercomplicated as my Dad was ill with terminal cancer which was the mainfocus of my life.

My darling Daddy passed away on 25th May 2005 - the same day as my 24thBirthday. Heaven gained another angel on that day and myheart broke. We were with my Dad until his last breath andafter his passing we sat with him for at least three hours - strokinghim and talking to him, telling him how we all felt.

This is the first opportunity I have had to return to this site andcatch up with my friends here, as I'm sure so many of you are painfullyaware there is a great deal of 'jobs' to be done after the death of amuch loved one. Up until recently my grief has been so greatthat I felt unable to focus on anything but the loss of my lovely Daddy.

With the help of my friends and my husband I'm gaining a newperspective and slowly learning to regain some comfort from my lovelybunny rabbits. I think they've probably suffered somewhatthroughout the ordeal as Mummy hasn't been paying quite as muchattention to them as she did before but she's back now, smiling at thebinkies and chuckling at their daftness.

My Mum has lost her soulmate of 39 years and is devastated - for her Imust try to remain strong and be as much comfort as I possible can be.

I was so sorry to scroll back through previous threads and hear of Buck's passing, how cruel life can be.

It was lovely to log back online and read some posts from old familiarfriends and I'll be on here an awful lot more for the forseeablefuture. It's very reassuring to come on here and see picturesof beautiful bunnies and know there are likeminded people here.

Love Rebecca. xx

I am so very sorry for your loss.



Dear Rebecca,

Good Lord, I'm so sorry. It's devastating to lose yourfather. No one loves you like your Dad. I'm gladyou were able to be there when he passed over. I was luckyenough to experience the same. My heart goes out toyou. It's hard to feel peaceful when you're in such deepgrief, but your being there truly was a blessing and you will havepeace about that as time goes on.

I'm glad you stopped back in when you felt you were able to.We warmly welcome you back and are very glad to see you.

You will be in my thoughts and prayers at this very difficult time inyour life. Ask for help and support when you needit. People want to be there for you, let them help.

Hi Rebecca, I am so sorry to hear of thetragedies that you and your family have faced inrecent months. My Fiancee who is your age and who is also from Englandlost her father a while ago and it has been very hard on her but timehas helped her. Ihope and pray that you will find strengthand peace.



Welcome Back Rebecca ,Remeber you have friends on hereto lean on , Your never alone when your here on the Forum , Friendsare just a PM away .;)
Welcome back to the forum Rebecca.


I'm dear sorry about the passing of your loving father. At least younow know, that he's watching over youfrom heaven. Smilingupon you, knowing the fact of how loving you are. Take care now, andgive hellos to your buns for Emmy and I.


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