I'm back but with a problem

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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2004
Reaction score
, Pennsylvania, USA
Hello all,

Any of you that have been here awhile may remember me but I haven'tbeen online for a long time.For those of you that don't know I raiseCalifornians, New Zealands (reds and whites) and Satins. My rabbitryis, obviously, Kat's Meow Rabbitry. I've been raising forabout 3-4 years now and I'm hoping to take my registrars test soon.

Here's my problem. Yesterday my brothers Satin Broken Chinchilla doepassed away. She was only about one year old. When I camehome she was acting her usual self and has never been sick a day in herlife before. She had been taken off of her litterabout 3 weeks ago and had no signs of mastitis or anything of the sort.She had no discharges or absesses, no lumps or anything unusual. Whenmy brother went out to feed this doe she started acting odd, almostlike she was cold. We brought her in and for about 15-20minutes she was very lethargic, couldn't hold herself up most of thetime. Then she had a fierce seizure and died. Does anybodyknow what could have caused this? I checked her stools and everythingwas normal. I can find nothing at all wrong withher. I have consulted all of my books and called JudgeStewart tonight, but to no avail. Please help if you can. We all missDaisy Mae so much, I wish I could give my family an answer to whathappened.

Thank You,
There are a number of health problems that canresult in sudden death, so only a necropsy can give vital informationon what the actual cause of death was. It could have been aheart problem or stroke. In the end, the final cause of deathmay have been kidney failure. In any of these cases, aseizure preceding deathwould not have been unusual.

I have a lot of study material for the registrar's test (my daughtergot her license this year). If you need anything, please letme know.


Yeah, we had thought of those things and that is definately apossibility but what just confuses me is how "normal" shewas. She was completely perky every day, always wanting allthe attention and if she didn't have it every single day she'd throwtantrums. She even did that an hour before this all happened. It's hardseeing though that even with regular check-overs and such we can'tprevent something like this in our rabbitries.

Oh yes, I definately need study material. I have taken yourbreed tests on your websites before too. I've been going toState Days now for a couple years and studying for that has reallyhelped. Another thing I've been meaning to talk to you aboutis that we would like to have an ARBA show in NW PA sometimenext year, a chartered club would also be formed. We have afew people interested but we still have to do the paperwork after weget things organized. What do you think? Do you know anybodythat would be interested?

Thanks for the help,


Welcome Back, KatsMeowTree,

I'm sorry for your loss. What a shock. I'm glad she didn't suffer and had you to care for her all of her life.

As Pamnock said, unless you have a necropsy, it's so hard to diagnose without any symptoms.

Just curious, did you notice her straining to go to the bathroom?

Kathy Smith, author of the book Rabbit Health in the 21stCentury had a similar thing happen to her rabbit whereas the rabbitwas acting fine, it's temperature dropped drastically, was lethargicand died suddenly. In that case it was kidney failure. The rabbit actedfine up until moments before it died. It was eating, pooping, and doingeverything it should've been doing.

My previous vet told me that it's not uncommon just before a rabbitwill die, it will thrash. It happened with my rabbit, Skip, when hepassed away from Pasteurella. I thought it was a seizure, but the vetwas standing right there and confirmed it was more of a thrashing thana seizure.

I'm sorry I can't answer your question. My heart and sympathy goes outto you and your family over losing Daisy Mae. I'm so sorry.

KatsMeowTree wrote:

Oh yes, I definately need study material. I have taken yourbreed tests on your websites before too. I've been going toState Days now for a couple years and studying for that has reallyhelped. Another thing I've been meaning to talk to you aboutis that we would like to have an ARBA show in NW PA sometimenext year, a chartered club would also be formed. We have afew people interested but we still have to do the paperwork after weget things organized. What do you think? Do you know anybodythat would be interested?

Thanks for the help,


Have you spoken to anyone in the Butler area? From what Iunderstand, they are planning on getting the club in that area back ontrack and want to have a show next May.

I think some people in the area might be interested in theclub. I still have strong ties to Ohio and amsecretary and sweeps chair of a regional Holland Lop club, soany extra time I have is devoted to club paperwork.Unfortunately, I don't have the time to becomeextensivelyinvolved in another club as I am also a member ofLake/Geauga Rabbit & Cavy Club and Northeast Ohio RF.

I have some study material posted on a Yahoo list underfileshttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/registrarstudy/

You can email me if you have additional questions relating to the test [email protected]



No I didn't notice any of that. She was acting just as normal.Unfortunately I wasn't there to see the "seizure" I was rechecking thestools for anything I may've missed the first time. So I really am notsure. I guess we will never know.

Thanks for the help,


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