Well-Known Member
I know I've been posting a lot on RO lately withrabbit dramas, well I have yet another drama to add to the pile. I justneed to vent, I have to type it out or I'm going to burst into tears.
My partner earns ok money and my brother flats with us which helpsheaps. I however only earn $40 a week for 4 hours work. We all decidedthat it would be better if I stayed home to take care of the house andanimals, and I do a damn good job I think . The house is always tidy,everything runs smoothly and the guys really appreciate it.
The money I earn usually goes on the phonebill and the internet bill. Ijoined up to a company in NZ called ihug, paying $59.95 per month forADSL. It's an 18 month contract, with an early disconnection fee of$198. At the time I joined it was a great company, then they werebought out by vodafone (a mobile phone company) and it all changed.Prices went way up, services went way down. They also advertised a newhome phone line deal. $20 per month, the ad said. Wow! Cheap! Thatincluded free calling to anywhere in NZ. With telecom I was paying $40per month plus toll calls. So I joined up. So I then had my broadbandand phone line with ihug. BUT...and here's where it gets nasty. Therewas an extra hidden fee of $40 per month they did not mention. Inoticed they changed their advertising the day after I signed up forthe phone line and contacted them right away to say "hey! you nevermentioned that part - please revert me back to telecom and I refuse tobe charged any part payments because your original ad was a lie". Theyagreed. All I had to do was call telecom and then call ihug back whenit was changed over. I did all that and also let ihug know that I wasdiscontinueing my services with them alltogether, I no longer wished tohave my broadband with them etc because of the high pricing and thepoor customer service.
Anyway to cut a very long and drawn out story short, ihug continued tobill me for broadband (was now $70 a month), toll calls, the $40monthly fee and the $20 monthly fee for the home phoneline. At the sametime I was paying for telecom home phone line and broadband. Just todayI find out that ihug "stole" me back as a home phone line customerwithout my persmission and charged me a joining fee of $40! "How dareyou do that without my permission!", I yell to them over the phone.
So finally I have gotten the ihug account CLOSED and I am pleased aboutthat, but I now have a final bill payment of $578.06 owing to them plusfees from telecom for joining back up again even though I never gavepermission to leave to begin with. It may not sound like much but Iearn so little and I feel swamped in by this bill.
The only way I can do it is put it on my partners creditcard and pay itoff from there and he's going to be angry about that :X, it can't behelped though. I feel like I've been really stupid with all this stuffand it's going to take me months and months to pay it off.
Just wanted to vent . I am so angry at ihug and I plan to write up ahuge letter to the head person of the company. Got any big words andscathing sentece ideas I can borrow?
My partner earns ok money and my brother flats with us which helpsheaps. I however only earn $40 a week for 4 hours work. We all decidedthat it would be better if I stayed home to take care of the house andanimals, and I do a damn good job I think . The house is always tidy,everything runs smoothly and the guys really appreciate it.
The money I earn usually goes on the phonebill and the internet bill. Ijoined up to a company in NZ called ihug, paying $59.95 per month forADSL. It's an 18 month contract, with an early disconnection fee of$198. At the time I joined it was a great company, then they werebought out by vodafone (a mobile phone company) and it all changed.Prices went way up, services went way down. They also advertised a newhome phone line deal. $20 per month, the ad said. Wow! Cheap! Thatincluded free calling to anywhere in NZ. With telecom I was paying $40per month plus toll calls. So I joined up. So I then had my broadbandand phone line with ihug. BUT...and here's where it gets nasty. Therewas an extra hidden fee of $40 per month they did not mention. Inoticed they changed their advertising the day after I signed up forthe phone line and contacted them right away to say "hey! you nevermentioned that part - please revert me back to telecom and I refuse tobe charged any part payments because your original ad was a lie". Theyagreed. All I had to do was call telecom and then call ihug back whenit was changed over. I did all that and also let ihug know that I wasdiscontinueing my services with them alltogether, I no longer wished tohave my broadband with them etc because of the high pricing and thepoor customer service.
Anyway to cut a very long and drawn out story short, ihug continued tobill me for broadband (was now $70 a month), toll calls, the $40monthly fee and the $20 monthly fee for the home phoneline. At the sametime I was paying for telecom home phone line and broadband. Just todayI find out that ihug "stole" me back as a home phone line customerwithout my persmission and charged me a joining fee of $40! "How dareyou do that without my permission!", I yell to them over the phone.
So finally I have gotten the ihug account CLOSED and I am pleased aboutthat, but I now have a final bill payment of $578.06 owing to them plusfees from telecom for joining back up again even though I never gavepermission to leave to begin with. It may not sound like much but Iearn so little and I feel swamped in by this bill.
The only way I can do it is put it on my partners creditcard and pay itoff from there and he's going to be angry about that :X, it can't behelped though. I feel like I've been really stupid with all this stuffand it's going to take me months and months to pay it off.
Just wanted to vent . I am so angry at ihug and I plan to write up ahuge letter to the head person of the company. Got any big words andscathing sentece ideas I can borrow?