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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2005
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Tucson, Arizona, USA
I picked up 2 baby bunnies from a friend of mine and after reading topics on this forum, I am a little concerned.

I read that bunnies shouldn't leave their mothers until after 8-12weeks. I picked up mine at 5 weeks about 5 daysago. They are eating very well and drinking they seem veryhealthy. Their poop looks like hard little balls most of thetime but sometimes after they eat grass, carrots or celery ( I onlygive very little) they seem to clump up a bit. After a coupleof hours they are hard little balls again. My friend told meto feed them mostly alfafa pellets but I can introduce other veggiesand fruitsa little bit at a time. That's what Ihave been doing.

Are my bunnies too young? Should I be giving them vitamins or something?

They are kept indoors with aspen bedding. In the mornings Iput them in a small animal playpen in the yard which they seem tolove. They spend about 4-6 hours out there. Theyseem to love to eat the grass. I think because my friend keptthem outdoors they seem to love being out there. But here inTucson is gets really hot in the afternoons so I keep them indoors mostof the time. They are very active and friendly bunnies.

My son loves to hold and cuddle them which they seem to like.My son likes to sit in the playpen with them and they like to go up tohim. So they seem to really like him. My sonalthough young is an animal lover like his mom and is very gentle withthe rabbits. He is only 4 and 3/4 years old.

Sorry this was so long. Thanks in advance to any advice youcan give me. So far I love the info on this forum.

Hi and welcome to the forum.

5 weeks is a little young, but many breeders let their buns go at thatage. I had a vet tell me that rabbits would actually probablysurvive without mom at 2 weeks because they are already eating so manypellets at that point, but I would never suggest trying that.2 of my rabbits came to live with me when they were 5 weeks old andboth are just fine.

As for feeding, keep feeding the alfalfa pellets, you can switch overto a timothy hay pellet when they are 6 months old if you want, butit's not necessary. Feed them an unlimited amount at thispoint and at 6 months the usual amount is 1 oz ofpellets perpound of rabbit daily. They should also be receivingunlimited amounts of alfalfa hay, this needs to be changed to timothyhay when they are 6 months old (alfalfa is high in fat) but shouldstill be fed in unlimited amounts. No vitamins are necessaryas long as you are feeding a high quality food.

Veggies can be started at any age as long as they are eatinghay. Just watch the poops, if they get soft, take the veggiesout and give oats (plain oatmeal is fine) until the poops arebetter. Introduce veggies gradually and just give fruit inmoderation as it is high in sugar. Fruits make a great treat.

I have a couple of questions for you now: What kind of bunnies arethey? What sex? If they are living together, youmay encounter problems at around 3 months of age because of those nastyhormones, but that can be helped with a spay or neuter.

Please check out the "Cheat Sheet for Rabbit Care"http://rabbitsonline.net/view_topic.php?id=3005&forum_id=1

It sounds like you are taking good care of your babies and I'm so glad your son is good with them.


Thank you for your quick response. Iwill get some hay tomorrow. I have really fallen in love withthese bunnies. My friend seems to really love her bunniestoo. She has several of them and they look like they are veryhappy. She keeps them outdoors but she has a really nice setup and she has a really large yard to keep them in. She seemsreally knowlegeable about bunnies since she's had them for severalyears so I was surprised when I read that they should be 8-12 weeksold. I almost feel guilty about keepingmine indoors since they love being outside. But myyard faces the southwest and is very small so I feel I have to keepthem indoors most of the time.

As soon as i get some good pics I will try to post some pics of them.

By the way my bunnies names are Rachet and Plank. Of coursemy son named them. They are both females but i do plan tohave them spayed when they are old enough.

thanks again.

FYI, Kricket is in Tucson and has proven helpful to me (I was adopted by a bun recently). I live in Tempe.

Congrats on your babies! :ele::ele::
CHEE65 wrote:
Ialmost feel guilty about keeping mine indoors since they lovebeing outside. But my yard faces the southwest and is verysmall so I feel I have to keep them indoors most of thetime.
They will get more interaction from you and your son livingindoors! Really what lucky buns they are. All 9 ofmy buns live indoors and they are happy there. :D


5 week old kitsare a bit young to spereate but itcan be done with little or noproblems Lightning my Dutchdoe weand a litter at 3 weeksand they are very heathy , matter of facti just saw 2 of them the otherday lol one is such aslush it doesnt matter how you holdhim or place him , he is a grayand white blanket no matterwhere he is placed lol . The other onefemale is just like mommy ,hyper snotty and a brat lol . generallythe MOthers staart weanngthem at about 2 weeks ,and they start eating pelletsand figure out the water bottle, ( which some ,Christa :Xlike toplay with and leave empty ) ,

They should do fine ,just keep an eye to them besure they are pooping and peeing .
Thank you all for the information. Ihave my bunnies in their playpen outside right now and they are justbouncing all over it. They really love it. Theylike to chase each other around, then clean each other (mostly Planklikes to clean Rachet). It's funny because Rachet is the runtof the litter and Plank is the pick of the litter yet Rachet seems tobe the one in control. Real funny to watch. Thenwhen they get tired the just plop on top of each other. Ithink they are the most adorable little gals. I can sit andwatch them all day (if only life didn't get in the way LOL).

Kricket, I heard you are from Tucson too. Do you know ifwoody pet is available here? I am currently using aspen butwould like to switch to woody pet since it seems to be highlyrecommended on this forum. If so, where? Thanksalot.

I have some pics of my rabbits but I'm not real sure right now how topost them. So as I figure it out I will post them.

Thanks again.

CHEE65 wrote:
Do you know if woody pet is availablehere? I am currently using aspen but would like to switch towoody pet since it seems to be highly recommended on thisforum. If so, where? Thanks alot.
Check out the web site www.woodypet.com

If you have a Tractor Supply Store or an Agway they will most likely have it. Always call ahead to be on the safe side.
I checked around as far as I know we don't haveeither one here. I am going to a feed store this afternoonmaybe they will have it. If not maybe I can talk them intocarrying it. I can be pretty convincing when I need tobe. Thanks again.

Well I went out to the feed store today andpicked up some hay. I can't believe how much they loveit. They didn't have any small amounts for me to buy so theylet me pick up as much as I wanted that was loose on the ground besidethe bails of hay for free.

I also asked about the woody pet and they said they didn't carry it butthey told me of a feed store out in Marana that carries it.It's about a 45 min drive but it will be worth it.

Thanks alot for all the help.

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