I'm a foster mommy...

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Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2006
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, Wisconsin, USA
A few weeks ago my convinced by mom to let me foster gerbils for our local shelter, and I am so excited! I really wanted to share and I could not not post any longer!

I took home my first two fosters on Halloween. They were both pretty scared of my hand. They are a bonded pair named Fuzzy and Wuzzy.

They are doing wonderful! They have made a complete change! They will gladly come up to my hand and take food from it. A lot of times they'll actually sit IN my hand and eat, which is huge! I'm so proud of them!

Would you like pictures? :biggrin2:
I would LOVE pictures. I have always been interested in Gerbils as pets, but haven't taken the time to "get to know them". What are they like?
Pictures! I have newer ones but I have to upload those. So I'll post those tomorrow! :D

This is Fuzzy:


And Wuzzy (the big girl!)


And I assume you'd like some pictures of my girls, right? :biggrin2: I'll post those in a little bit!

undergunfire wrote:
I would LOVE pictures. I have always been interested in Gerbils as pets, but haven't taken the time to "get to know them". What are they like?

They are wonderful! I Love them. They are so easy to care for! You only have to clean their tank ever 3 to 4 weeks. Their toys are cheap and include mostly cardboard, hay, tp rolls and just plain toilet paper! Another thing is that they are really entertaining. I love watching then run around chewing up hay and toilet paper and digging tunnels in the litter. It's really cool!
I'm so glad I decided to get gerbils instead of a hamster (no offense to all you hammy lovers out there!).

My two gerbils, Mizzy and Moosey and wonderful. Moosey is adorable. She'll sit in their tank topper (a cage on top of the tank) and watch me as I'm doing stuff in my room. It's soooo cute! And for about the past week or so right after I get into bed and turn the light off I hear a bunch of racket coming from their tank topper and it's Moosey chewing the wire. Why? It is not because she does not have anything better to chew, it's because she's high maintenance and wants attention and a treat. :p
I LOVE!!! they are so cute and they have furry tails to :biggrin2:Keep pictures coming please! do you know why we dont get them over here? Maybe I should sneak some when I go to the states hmmm
Oh my goodness! I had two gerbils that I got in 7th grade that lived until I was a junior in high school... they were over 4 years old when they died.
They are so sweet :inlove:
Oh Wuzzy is so cute!!!

We've had a couple of gerbils. One didn't live very long - he wasn't healthy at all.

Then we had Cinnamon aka The Evil Gerbil from H3LL!! We adored her. :D She bit, she freaked if you touched her or her stuff. She was hilarious.
Ohh, so gerbils wouldn't be able to live in a Ferret Nation with hammocks and stuff :p? They are adorable, but not sure I could have a pet that lives in a tank. I like to decorate cages and sew lots of different beds.

I think Degus are adorable, too!

Yes, please, more pictures.
PepnFluff- I have no clue!

Gerbils can live to me 3-5 years old, but I've heard of older!
I love their furry tails. Their tail has a little "tuff" at the end. It's just some longer fur at the end. :p
A gerbil should never be picked up by the tail as the second half of it is detachable and will not grow back. :?

Did you all know that gerbils are illegal in California?

undergunfire wrote:
Ohh, so gerbils wouldn't be able to live in a Ferret Nation with hammocks and stuff :p? They are adorable, but not sure I could have a pet that lives in a tank. I like to decorate cages and sew lots of different beds.

I think Degus are adorable, too!

Yes, please, more pictures.

Nope they can't! They'd chew it up! LOL! Plus they love to burrow!
I love Degus. I really want some when I'm older! They are not easy pets though, as I read. :? They have strict diets and chew more then gerbils! LOL That's why I must wait!

More pictures! Total of 10!

I don't think I said their colors, did I?
Wuzzy is Red Eyed Nutmeg (REN)
Fuzzy is Black with white chin and white bands on her paws (which in showing is not acceptable) The white chin and bands on the paws is very common in self-colored gerbils.

You can see Wuzzy is a little more "filled out" then Fuzzy. :p








Fuzzy and Wuzzy live by the rabbits on the "rabbit wall" :p
The reason they only have a few inches of bedding is because I'm working on taming them. Normally I'd have 5 to 7 inches! I'll have to post pictures of my girls' tank in a bit. :p

I've always wanted a gerbil, but that whole illegal in my state thing kind of made that impossible. Same with hedgehogs and ferrets.
Here's a few pictures of my girls I took over the summer before Maxie died. (fyi, when I say "my girls" I'm usually referring to my gerbils, who are all girls! :p)

This is Mizzy! She is very photogenic! (excuse her... fuzziness. She had just woken up and they had a bed full of shredded toilet paper so she's got tp fuzz all over her!)




This is Moosey! She likes to keep moving! So it's hard to get good pictures of her. :p

And this is Maxie. I miss her. :(




And group photos! :D



And this is one of my favorites.

Aww they so cute! and those pictures are fantastic! I love the ones of the 3 of them all lined in a row with their paws up theyre such cuties!
hehe thanks everyone!
I've been rushing around like crazy today because I forgot our mobile adoption for the shelter is the 4th Saturday of the month, not the last! So I've been trying to get things done! And I ment to go to bed 2 hours ago! :shock:

undergunfire wrote:
I like to decorate cages and sew lots of different beds.

You could always learn to weave grass mats/grass beds.


They are adorable! and yup, degu's chew like crazy, we used to have one that chewed through metal bars in his cage :shock:
Boz wrote:
Luv-bunniz wrote:
undergunfire wrote:
They are adorable! and yup, degu's chew like crazy, we used to have one that chewed through metal bars in his cage :shock:

:shock: omg that's crazy! I want to build a Degu mansion when I get mine. :p Look at some of these cages!


This one is HUGE! I love it!! There is some real creative ones on there, and most of them look like a peice of furniture !

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