I'm A Bonehead

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
Ajax, Ontario, Canada
OMG, I misplaced my cell phone and have been searching for the past 2 hours everywhere in the house for it:pullhair:. I know I had it last night because Chris sent me a text message around 11:00 pm. Now I'm sure you are all saying why doesn't she just phone it. Well because I don't know my own friggin phone number. Isn't that PITY-FULL.:foreheadsmack:

So are their any others out there who don't know their own Cell number or am I the only Goof Ball who's never learnt her her number?:huh

I don't know my number Susan! lol. I don't even hardly know how to use my phone. But then again, I use it like once a year. I think it's dead now anyway. :?

I hope you find your phone! :p
Ha ha. I just had to opena thread about being a bonehead. I sometimes give out my old number, but I do know my new one.

Try calling someone whos number you DO know, and get them to call your phone?
OMG Susan, my mother does that all the time. And then she'll dial MY number because we both have the same first 3 digits (and area code for that matter) and she'll be like, "TRACY...WHY DO YOU HAVE MY PHONE!!" and I'll have to remind her that she is dialing ME!!!!

:blueribbon:bonehead award, hahaha.

Under your bed?

Under the pillow?

down a sofa?

I repeat my number so much I have it embedded in my brain.....
awwww have you found it yet??

I'm pretty lucky with phone numbers and stuff but am useless with things I am meant to remember like getting my MOT done for the car and stuff sold my car in january and had been driving it illegally for a month :shock:
OK so I remembered I emailed my number to Donna on the day we were bringing the bunnies to her. So I checked backed in the sent emails and their it was my number. So I called it and low and behold it was in one of Buttercups Blankets on our sofa. I don't know how it got there. :dunno


So now all I have to do is learn my number.
Congrats, you found your phone!!

I do know my number, but I used to turn it off every night. So one night, when I misplaced it.. I couldn't call it due to the phone being off! :shock: I have never turned off my phone since. =P
If you asked me for my cell number, I wouldn't know. :p

It is always with me, or on the counter.
I hardly use it. In fact I pay $10.00 a month for a charge of 30 cents a minute and never run out of time. :phone:
So are their any others out there who don't know their own Cell number or am I the only Goof Ball who's never learnt her her number?:huh

I had to e-mail my son a few weeks back and ask him what my cell phone number was, as I'd totally forgotten it and hadn't written it down.

And yes, I've misplaced my cell phone a couple of times...and couldn't call it because - even though I had remembered the number back then - my land line still isn't working because I'd moved the computer from one room to another some months ago, and somehow buggered up the phone line (never ever get packaged bundles from your cable company if you're a techno-dunce like me).

And here I thought I was unique, Susan...:p