Illness in Does

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Jul 6, 2010
Reaction score
Buckinghamshire, , United Kingdom
Hi all

My BEW lop has not been well recently, lost lots of weight which she is now slowly putting back on but I am curious as to what is wrong with ehr vent and wonder if that could be the issue? I have found that her vent has almost sealed over? There isno discharge or redness but i cant check to see if she is pink or purple as I don't want to force it apart incase this hurts her? Ive taken some pics - can anyone advise what it is she has caught and how to treat it? I'm trying caneston cream incase its a touch of thrush (the mild stuff for human babies nappy rash). Shes eating and drinking fine. I actually breed mini lops (I'm from england so Hollands to you guys) but this is the first diesease I've had. I've got several other does, one of which I think is getting this too so I really want to nip it in the bud.

My bucks look clean of infections, I've got 2 just reaching 6 months to be tried this year and one over a year old -I've had litters last year from him with no problems.

Heres some pics:



Any advice would be much appreciated!
it looks like rabbit syphilis to me, which can be transmited from rabbit to rabbit by sexual contact. I would look it up online and you can find some good info on it. I have never had a rabbit with it before so I can't give you any info.
The symptoms your describing sound very familiar to what my buck, Rowdy, has. He's been on the thin side since early October, was treated for worms & vent disease (rabbit syphillis) but still not 100% better.

Not sure what it could be...:/


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