IL/MO/ people - how did today's weather go?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
, Missouri, USA
It's almost 7pm now and I'm just now seeing serious signs of storms brewing, though we've been under severe thunderstorm warnings all day long.

I heard some areas of both states got severe wind/rain/hail...

I'm under warnings until 10:00pm, but so far I've gotten no more than a few short rain showers (under 10 minutes) that were big fat drops.

I can't get photobucket to cooperate today but eventually I'd like to show some of the wind damaged trees/bushes I have from a week or two ago (both weeks had severe wind).

Hopefully the weather will be ok enough tomorrow for the plans I have - my parents have many downed trees and several burned by lightening strikes that need to be attended to yet - which we hope to tackle bright and early in the morning.
It doesn't look good that way..... really bad storms on radar all night.

I have been watching - we are going to a horse show in a few hours..... if it's not storming then....
I do not know how you all in the Mid West deal with Tornadoe's...

We had a couple of very small Tornadoes in Los Angeels last week (freak nature happening - NEVER happes here) and I see on CNN the carnage that these natuaral weather patterns cause "seasonally" in your part of the world and cannot even fathom, how you prepre for this each "season"..

I think your disaster preparedness would be a great thing to "share" with the rest of us that do not have deal with the guarantee of problems each year..

Glad your all doing ok. and please update during the season if NOT.. I'm sure we could all reach out to you..

Best of luck to you both!!
Bo, I've read 8 were killed in your state last night. I hope you and yours are ok!! It always slips my mind how close we actually are....

We had BAD storms here last night, a tornado in Warrenton, Mo - I was not in that but on the edge of the storm and we had many power problems, marble+ sized hail, horrible wind et al.

I can't depend on my electricity this morning (it was out almost all night) and am just kicking myself in general for not checking my car windows last night!!

I'm not a huge TV watcher but I'm going to turn it on to see whats happening.
We were actually in Iowa Sun for our anniversary. Some town there got hit hard with a tornado, not sure where it is in relation to where we were. We got the tip of a storm, nothing much. Nothing happened here at home either, thank goodness. We love storms, but don't want that stuff.

When we are under watches/warnings, we are glued to the radar. In case anyone hasn't heard of it, here's a great site for all of you in the US (not sure about Canada)! It's the National Weather Service site.;_ylu=X3oDMTEyMmdqMDc3BHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMgRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA0gxMjdfODA-/SIG=11ct4vj0s/EXP=1212018743/**http%3a//

Glad everyone is safe!;)
Curious how soon do they alert you to a potential tornadoe coming your way? I think it would be horrofying (sp?) to hear that an earthquake was emminetly heading my way in minutes?!

Let alone you would be concerned with your outdoor animals and getting them safe along with your family?! Such stress!!!
juliew19673 wrote:
Curious how soon do they alert you to a potential tornadoe coming your way? I think it would be horrofying (sp?) to hear that an earthquake was emminetly heading my way in minutes?!

Let alone you would be concerned with your outdoor animals and getting them safe along with your family?! Such stress!!!
It depends, usually you get a watch for your county. Then, if a storm develops/is heading your way, they change it to a warning. Then you listen to radio/tv/watch radar and keep up on the happenings. When a tornado warning is issued, a siren goes off in your area and they check them monthly to ensure they work. And they are loud!:shock: But, they work:).
There've been times when they didn't get the alarms going until it was on us. I remember a few years ago being north of where we live getting ice cream..... it started looking bad so hubby and I decided to start home - about 15 min drive max.

We looked to the west and saw this big old tornado making its way towards us...... he drove SO fast.... we were going south.... and it went North of our home... it missed us but did damage where we had been 10 minutes before.

The siren went off right about the time we were walking in the door..... the tornado was already past us then.
AngelnSnuffy wrote:
juliew19673 wrote:
Curious how soon do they alert you to a potential tornadoe coming your way? I think it would be horrofying (sp?) to hear that an earthquake was emminetly heading my way in minutes?!

Let alone you would be concerned with your outdoor animals and getting them safe along with your family?! Such stress!!!
It depends, usually you get a watch for your county. Then, if a storm develops/is heading your way, they change it to a warning. Then you listen to radio/tv/watch radar and keep up on the happenings. When a tornado warning is issued, a siren goes off in your area and they check them monthly to ensure they work. And they are loud!:shock: But, they work:).
Well, a siren goes off if you live in town. Out here in the sticks we rely on radio/weather channel, and our eyes and instincts. We are pretty lucky on the area where we live, we are in sort of a geological depression and most tornados just sort of bounce over us.